Constable Ben Dallimore, at back, in hot pursuit of a couple of speedsters at last year’s Take It To The Track day at Nanango

October 25, 2017

Nanango Police will be encouraging drivers of all ages to speed on Saturday … around the go kart track, that is.

The second annual “Take It To The Track” day will be held on Saturday from 9:00am to 3:00pm at South Burnett Kart Hire, on the D’Aguilar Highway just south of Nanango’s CBD.

Drivers young and old will be able to challenge police officers to races around the circuit.

Constable Andrew Kendall, from Nanango Police, said it would be a fun day for the whole family combined with a serious road safety message.

There will be a sausage sizzle, free donuts and a free jumping castle and radio station Hit-FM will be broadcasting live from the track throughout the day.

Police cars and equipment will be on display.

There’ll also be a driving simulator, a traffic crash extraction featuring ambulance paramedics and firefighters, and a stopping distance demonstration by police.

Entry to the day is free, but the go kart racing will cost $14 for 10 minutes (or $19 for 10 minutes in a double kart).

Go kart licences cost $3, unless the driver already has one.

“The idea for the day is to promote road safety and reduce hooning,” Const Kendall said.

Donations received will go to assist Police Legacy and the SES.

Const Kendall said if it rained heavily, the day would still go ahead except for the go kart racing.

  • More information is available on the “Take It To The Track Nanango” Facebook page


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