August 9, 2017
The Wondai Rifle Club and the South Burnett branch of the Shooters Union of Australia will be joining forces on Sunday, August 27.
The clubs will be holding a joint Come and Try Day at the South Burnett Shooting Complex at the end of Rifle Range Road in Wondai.
The fully supervised fun shoot event will get underway at 10:00am.
Guests will be able to try their hand at a variety of firearms including the club’s .22 rimfires, 223 centrefire rifles and .22 hand guns on the 35 yard and 100 yard ranges.
The fee to take part is just a gold coin donation to help defray the cost of the ammunition.
Shooters need to be aged 11 or higher and are required to have covered footwear and bring photo ID, but they do not need a shooter’s licence.
There’ll also be tea and coffee, soft drinks and a sausage sizzle available at this family friendly event.
This will be the club’s last open day for the year, and more information can be obtained by phoning Ian on 0432-585-773 or Rob on (07) 4168-3772.