Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien

July 19, 2017

Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien has invited community members to have their say in a review into regional, rural and remote education initiated by the Federal Government.

Mr O’Brien said a discussion paper, prepared by Emeritus Professor John Halsey, identified the key issues and challenges faced by rural students and suggested ideas about possible solutions.

“I encourage educators, families, employers and members of the community to consider the discussion paper, and take this opportunity to share their ideas on how best we can support local students to succeed in school and beyond,” Mr O’Brien said.

“The Coalition Government is listening closely to regional communities like Wide Bay in our efforts to improve the education and preparation of young people from the country to develop into their best selves and ensure they can fully participate in the 21st century economy.”

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said the Halsey Review was part of the Coalition’s efforts to ensure regional, rural and remote students not only achieved success at school, but went on to further study, training and employment.

“Students living outside our major cities face unique challenges compared to their city cousins which can cause significant disparities between their education outcomes,” Mr Joyce said.

“And the difference starts early. We know regional, rural and remote students are more likely to have developmental vulnerabilities when they start school, such as lower language and cognitive skills.

“Their NAPLAN results are generally lower and they go on to be under-represented in higher education.”

Submissions close at 5:00pm on August 29.

For more information visit the Department of Education and Training website


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