On Monday, June 5 Kilcoy Bowls Club hosted the Ladies One Day Fours, which were sponsored by the club and Bowlers Paradise, and the winners came from all over the place.
The first round winners were the Kilcoy team of Marg Worrall, Elayne Moat, Harold Alford and Adam Kelly with a score of 25.
The second round winners, who also came up trumps with a score of 25, were the Toogoolawah team of Cindy Mills, Linda Winkeler, Gerrit Winkeler and Wayne Thompson.
The Runners Up, with two wins and a score of 31, were the Wombye team of Denise Kluss, Millie Milne, Alan Young and Graham Clark.
But the day’s winners, with 2 wins and a combined score of 41, were Bongaree’s Lily Tweddle, Beryl Moor, Sandra Scott and Janice Mason.
The players who took part said they had a very enjoyable day, and look forward to repeating the exercise next year.

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On Tuesday, June 6 in the Star of the Green competition, Noel Lanes defeated John Worrall and will now go on to play Tom Brooks next Tuesday.
The jackpot did not go off and stands at $93 next week.
In social bowls, winners of the day were Jef Welden, Michael Dunn, Sandra Sansom and Geoff Jacobson who defeated Harold Alford, Annette Ruston, Col Ferguson and Dawn Phillips 27-14.
Other scores:
- Horst Myer, Ann Pope, John Worrall and Peter Playford def. Margaret Worrall, Kelly Charters, Lex Biddle and Roger Moat 21-19
- Jenny Edwards, Ron Sanson and Terry Pratten drew with Noel Lanes, Grahame Derriman and Tom Brooks 19-all
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In the Championships:
- Ladies Pairs Final – Maxine Wilcox and Elayne Moat def. Jenny Edwards and Sharon Walker.
- Ladies Fours Final – Pauline Lawson, Trudi Pratt, Tracey Evans and Liz Frawley def. Pam Taylor, Maxine Wilcox, Nelly Herbert and Elayne Moat
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Teams for the Mac Patterson Shield to be played at Kilcoy on Thursday, June 15 are:
- Leigh Irwin, Jef Welden and Pauline Lawson
- Bill Edwards, Trudi Pratt and Lester Bechly
- Jenny Edwards, Kelly Charters and Marg Worrall
- Peter Stanton, Greg Staniforth and Liz Frawley
Players should be at the club by 11:30am for a 12 noon start.
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On Kilcoy’s blackboard:
- Wednesday, June 14 – Pub Day
- Thursday, June 15 – Mac Patterson Shield at Kilcoy. Names on board near the door please if you are available.
- Saturday, June 24 – Chaplaincy Charity Day for bowlers and non-bowlers. Names on board at the club by no later than 12 noon that day
- Tuesday, June 27 – Trophy Day sponsored by Pauline Lawson and Sharon Walker
- Every Tuesday – Mixed social bowls; names by 9:00am for a 9:30am start