Used to ride horses but need a refresher? A new course in Blackbutt can help you get back in the saddle fast, with all horse-riding tack supplied (Photo: Horse Trax Oz)
Melanie Doheny also offers horse hire and guided horse ride tours on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (Photo: Horse Trax Oz)

March 29, 2017

Former horse riders who’d like to get back in the saddle now have the opportunity to take a refresher course in Blackbutt.

Melanie Doheny, who operates Horse Trax Oz, has begun offering a “Back In The Saddle” program for a small number of riders every week.

Melanie moved to the Timbertowns last July with her four horses – Eduardo, Pearl, Jake and Mighty Monty – and quickly realised there were a lot of people in the region who once rode horses but may have not had the opportunity to do so for many years.

Many may have also forgotten some of the finer points of handling horses and safe horse riding along the way, too. So she created her program to fill this unmet need.

“As far as I’m aware, this is the only course specifically designed to help riders get back in the saddle,” Melanie said.

“Visitors get a refresher on safety, tack, how to catch a cheeky horse, preparing to ride, saddling up and getting their leg back over a horse.

“After this refresher at home base, I then guide them on a 5km trail ride through the bush and along a section of the Bicentennial National Trail to ensure the skills they’ve just reacquired are remembered.”

Melanie uses her own horses in the program, and they can also be hired by more experienced riders for horse rides along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail.

Recently she also began offering guided riding tours along the Trail for visitors who bring their own horses to Blackbutt, which can often include visits to historic “off the trail” locations rarely seen by tourists.

The “Back In The Saddle” program runs every Saturday.

Helmets and all riding gear are provided, but participants must weigh 80kg or less and need to sign a waiver.

Interested former riders who’d like to find out more can phone Melanie on 0417-634-981 or visit her Facebook page.

What the world looks like from the top of a horse walking down a little-known track to Emu Creek (Photo: Horse Trax Oz)


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