Lawn bowlers were slightly spoiled for choice on Australia Day, and many of them took advantage of the fine weather to spend the day on the greens.
In Yarraman, the Yarraman Bowls Club’s Australia Day Carnival kicked off at 9:30am and ran until afternoon tea.
Club selected teams played two games of 12 ends, with scoring two points an end and five for the win with no dead ends.
After this, those who wanted to keep on playing – or those who preferred to play in the late afternoon – only had to motor a short distance to the Nanango Bowls Club, which was holding its own Australia Day club selected competition from 3:00pm.
That was providing, of course, that players had the foresight to register early.
Names for Nanango’s Australia Day games had to be in with the club by January 24.
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Nanango News
Here’s one for the diary: the Nanango Bowls Club will be holding an Autumn Carnival on Sunday, April 2 sponsored by Glen and Sharon Yeates.
It will take the form of a 3 Bowl Triples competition for nominated teams, with two rounds each of 18 ends.
On the day, the action will kick off with a morning tea at 8:45am before play gets underway at 9:30am.
For an extra twist, each player will skip 6 ends, then rotate.
The Carnival will be offering a $150 first prize, $90 for second and $60 for third and it will be a basket lunch affair.
Nomination fees are $45 per team and nominations will close on Friday, March 24 at 5:00pm (you can pay your fees on the day at the club).
You can get more details and nomination forms by phoning Glen Yeates on (07) 4163-3363 or 0417-795-637, or by emailing him.
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The Nanango Bowls Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting at the clubhouse in Henry Street, Nanango on Thursday, February 23 at 5:30pm.
The Mens section AGM will be held the following Tuesday, February 28 at 4:00pm.
Nomination forms for the Management Committee and Ladies and Men’s Section positions will be available from the clubhouse.
Completed forms must be received 14 days prior to AGM (ie prior to Thursday, February 9).
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In more general news, the Nanango Bowls Club have resumed their regular events now that the festive season is over, and if you’re at a loose end on Tuesdays or Fridays it may be worth your while to drop by the greens.
Social mufti games are held every Tuesday afternoon from 2:00pm, and the club’s popular scroungers matches are held every Friday at 4:00pm.
The club will also be holding two club selected Trophy Days on Saturday, February 11 and Saturday February 25, with play commencing at 3:00pm.
Members will also be competing at the Wondai President’s Day on Sunday, February 5 and the Kingaroy Men’s President’s Day on Sunday, February 19.
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On Nanango’s Blackboard:
- Every Tuesday: Social (mufti) bowls, games start at 12:30pm
- Every Friday: Scroungers at 4:00pm
- Saturday, February 11: Club selected Trophy Day, 3:00pm start
- Saturday, February 26: Club selected Trophy Day, 3:00pm start
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Kingaroy News
The second week of Kingaroy Bowls club’s Tuesday night Ollies Mowers Corporate League was played this week, and all teams played well with a few upsets.
- Misfits def. Tarongos 8-6
- Danuts drew SBRC Workshop 6-6
- Ray’s Rebels def Awesome 8-4
- Kingaroy Bodyworks def Bedrock 7-4
- Wazzas Sparkies def Surprise 9-6
Misfits now lead the ladder on 8 points, followed by Ray’s Rebels and SBRC Workshop (6 points each), and Wazzas Sparkies, Kingaroy Bodyworks, Tarongos and Danuts (all on 4 points).
Awesome, Bedrock and Surprise have yet to score anything, but that may all change when the next round is played at 6:45pm this coming Tuesday, January 31.
Spectators are very welcome.
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Kilcoy News
Kilcoy Bowls Club held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 22, where members elected the club’s officials for the coming year.
Management Committee:
- Marg Worrall – Chair
- Greg Staniforth – Deputy Chair
- Bill Edwards – Secretary
- Pauline Lawson – Treasurer
- Noel Lanes – Greens Director
- Roger Moat – Bar Providor
- Jenny Edwards – Kitchen Providor.
Committee members are Trudi Pratt, Kelly Charters and Jef Welden, and the club’s Patron is Ron Glover.
Men’s Committee:
- President – Jef Welden
- Vice President – Noel Lanes
- Secretary – Roger Moat
- Games Director – Greg Staniforth
- Selectors – Max Morrow, Leigh Irwin, Kelly Charters
- CDBA Delegates – Roger Moat and Jef Welden
Ladies Committee:
- President – Pauline Lawson
- Vice President – Nelly Herbert
- Secretary – Marg Worrall
- Games Director – Trudi Pratt
- Selectors – Nelly Herbert, Liz Frawley, Elayne Moat
- CDLBA Delegates – Pauline Lawson and Jenny Edwards
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On Tuesday, January 24 is the Star of the Green competition, Trudi Pratt defeated John Worrall and will go on to play Noel Lanes next Tuesday.
And in social bowls, the jackpot did not go off and will rise to $128 next week.
Winners of the day were Tony Gray, Garry Jensen and Terry Pratten who defeated Trudi Pratt, Pauline Lawson and Roger Moat 31-14.
Other scores:
- Lester Bechly, Sandra Sampson, Michael Dunn and Tom Brooks def. Marg Worrall, Nev Johnston, Kelly Charters and Lynn Chandler 20-18
- Harold Alford, John Worrall and Liz Frawley def. Dennis Thomsen, Geoff Jones and Adam Kelly 19-16
- Greg Staniforth, Nelly Herbert and Brett Kelly def. Jef Welden, Noel Lanes and Phyl Coffee 19-15
- Pam Taylor, Horst Myer, Ernie Herbert and Darrell Coffee def. Ron Sampson, Peter Playford, Dawn Phillips and Elayne Moat 24-9
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The first round of the Webster Shield will be played at Toogoolawah on Sunday, February 5, and players who want to compete need to put their names on the men’s board to be available for selection.
The return match will be played at Kilcoy on Sunday, February 26.
And on Saturday, February 18 Kilcoy will be hosting club selected bowls with two games and a 1:00pm start.
This competition is open to men and women and new bowlers are very welcome (bowls will be available). Green fees are $13 per player, which includes bowls and a sausage sizzle, but names need to be in by noon.
Mixed social bowls has also resumed every Tuesday – names need to be in by 9:00am for a 9:30am start.