The Kilcoy Bowls Club is now back up and running after the festive season break, and the club set the wheels in motion on Tuesday, January 10 with Social Bowls.
Winners on the day were Pauline Lawson, Kelly Charters and Elayne Moat, who defeated Maxine Wilcox, Roger Moat and Lyn Candler.
Other results:
- Dennis Thomsen, John Worrall and Garry Jensen def. Bill Edwards, Grahame Derriman and Dawn Phillips 21-20
- Nev Johnston, Horst Myer and Liz Frawley def. Trudi Pratt, Harold Alford and Peter Playford 19-10
- Lester Bechly, Noel Lanes, Ann Pope and Col Ferguson def. Marg Worrall, Jeff Welden, Michael Dunn and Tom Brooks 18-9
Wednesday, January 11 was Pub Day:
- 2nd Round Winners: Karl, Gerrit, John and Mike from Toogoolawah
- 1st Round Winners: Kev King, Karen King, Terry Morley and Boyd McKenzie from Dayboro
- Runners Up: Yarraman’s Daphne Stewart, Horst Myer, Lorraine Holmes and Jenny Moore
- Winners: Lester Bechly, Harold Alford, Val Gannon and Liz Frawley from Kilcoy

On Tuesday, January 17 the popular Star Of The Green competition resumed, and last year’s title holder John Worrall defeated Pauline Lawson.
John will go on play Trudi Pratt next Tuesday, and since the jackpot did not go off, it will be $94 next week.
Winners of the day were Greg Staniforth, Michael Dunn & Liz Frawley who defeated Lester Bechly, Horst Myer and Ernie Herbert.
Other results:
- Trudi Pratt, Annette Ruston and Roger Moat def. Pam Taylor, Noel Lanes and Lyn Chandler
- Jef Welden, Nelly Herbert and Dawn Phillips def. Nev Johnston, Marg Worrall and Col Ferguson
- Peter Berry, Geoff Jones, John Worrall and Elayne Moat def. Bill Edwards, Janis Grover, Pauline Lawson and Tom Brooks
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Men’s Club Championship nominations are now up on the men’s board, and members should put their name up if they wish to play.
Nominations for the Ladies Championships are also up and will close February 14.
Nomination sheets for the CDLBA Sunshine Coast Challenge (March 14) and the District Sides (early May) are also on the ladies board.
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On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Sunday, January 22: Club AGM followed by Men’s and Ladies AGM, 10:30am start. Please attend if possible
- Saturday, February 4: 1st round of the Webster Shield at Toogoolawah. If you are available to play please put your name on the men’s board
- Every Tuesday: Mixed Social Bowls; names by 9:00am for a 9:30am start
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Wondai News
The Wondai Bowls Club will be holding their weekend-long Australia Day Bowls Carnival on Saturday and Sunday, January 21-22.
Saturday’s matches will be Nominated Men’s Pairs competition with a basket lunch, and the action will get underway at 9:15am.
Conditions of play are 3 rounds of 15 end of the bell, and wins to count (plus margins in the event of a tied highest score).
Sunday’s competition will be Nominated Open Fours with a basket lunch, a 9:15am start and the same conditions of play as Saturday.
There’ll be prizes for the winners and runners-up, plus the last round winner – but only one prize per team per day.
More details? Nominations? Phone Alwyn Litzow on (07) 4168-5706 or E. O’Rourke on 0408-066-276.
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Yarraman News
The Yarraman Bowls Club also fired back into life on Saturday, January 14 with a sponsored trophy day that was also the first outing of the club’s new monthly Birthday Boys event.
The idea for Birthday Boys was suggested at the November committee meeting and the fine details were fleshed out at the following month’s meeting.
Briefly, every member who has a birthday in that month contribute $20.00 towards the prizemoney.
In January, there were only two Birthday Boys (Steve Daly, January 1961 and Wayne Jewell, January 1956) so the prize money was a bit thin.
But players took to the greens for two games of 13 ends and everyone had a good time.
Birthday Boys will now be run on the second Saturday of each month. Green fees are $10.00 per player, names need to be in by noon for a 12:30pm start, and teams will be allotted by club draw.
Naturally, players from other clubs are welcome to take part too.
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The Yarraman Bowls Club will be holding a Three Bowls Triples competition for club select teams on Saturday, January 21.
Games will commence at 12:30pm and new players are always welcome.
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The club will also be commemorating Australia Day on Thursday, January 26 with an Australia Day Tournament.
Club select teams will play two games of 12 ends or finish at the bell, with scoring two points an end and five for the win and no dead ends (respot the jack).
Green fees are $10 per player and names need to be in by 8:30am for a 9:30am start.
The Tournament will be followed by an afternoon tea.
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On Yarraman’s Blackboard:
- Every Wednesday: Ladies bowls, 9:30am start
- Every Thursday: Night bowls, names in by 5:30pm
- Saturday, January 21: 3 Bowls Triples, 12:30pm start
- Thursday, January 26: Australia Day Tournament, 9:30am start
- Saturday, February 4: 3 Bowls Triples, games start at 4:00pm
- Saturday, February 11: Birthday Boys (12:30pm start) and 3 Bowls Triples (4:00pm start)
- Thursday, February 16: Pub Day
- Saturday, February 18: Annual General Meeting
- Saturday, February 4: 3 Bowls Triples, games start at 4:00pm
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Nanango News
The Nanango Bowls Club in Henry Street, Nanango will be holding an Australia Day club selected competition at 3:00pm on Thursday, January 26.
Names need to be in by Tuesday, January 24 but new players are very welcome.
More details from the club: (07) 4163-3363.
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Crows Nest News
Here’s one for the diary: Heritage Bank and the Crows Nest Bowls Club will be holding a two day Open Men’s Fours Carnival on the weekend of February 25-26.
On the Saturday, events will kick off with a morning tea at 8:00am followed by the first round from 9:00am to 11:15am, then lunch, Round 2 (12:15pm to 2:30pm), afternoon tea, Round 3 (2:50pm to 5:05pm) and then a BBQ dinner from 5:30pm.
On Sunday, there’ll be a hot breakfast available from 7:30am before Round 4 gets underway from 8:30am to 10:45pm, followed by morning tea and then the final round from 11:15am to 1:30pm, then lunch and presentations.
All rounds will be games of 16 ends or the bell, and the overall winning team will walk away with a $1000 first prize.
There’ll also be a $600 prize for the runners up, $450 for third place and $300 for fourth place, plus five $100 prizes for round winners and a lucky winner prize of $150.
Nomination fees are $220 per team and need to be at the club with at least a 50 per cent deposit no later than February 17.
The competition is limited to 16 teams.
More details? Phone Trevor Gillies on (07) 4698-1270 or Kerry Lovell on (07) 4698-2134.