October 19, 2016
by Audrey Sampson
The Maidenwell Rural Fire Brigade held its Annual General Meeting on September 21, which was attended by staff from the newly established Rural Fire Service Queensland Area Office in Kingaroy.
Richard Don remains as First Officer, with the other elected brigade officers being Robyn Bliss, Second Officer; Sasha Flight, Third Officer; and Dean Cullen appointed as Fourth Officer.
The brigade executive remained largely unchanged with Vasil Ivanoff retaining the Chairperson’s position, Kay Jordan appointed as Secretary and Brigitte Ivanoff as Treasurer.
The brigade also appointed a First Aid Co-ordinator, a Publicity Officer and two Equipment Managers.
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A notice has been circulated to the local community about the importance of calling 000 in the case of an emergency.
Many times, whether it has been just a small roadside fire or a more serious farm equipment fire, time has been lost when residents try to ring local fire service members, who are not always available.
By ringing 000 the appropriate authorities are notified and the nearest available resource is despatched.
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We are very lucky to have such excellent facilities here, with, not only the fire appliance and office area in the older building, but with the new extension to the Maidenwell brigade’s shed.
Part of this extension was once a tennis shed.
But thanks to a considerable amount of voluntary labour and some generous funding from Heritage Bank in Nanango, the area has been made into a meeting room with adjoining kitchen and toilet.