September 8, 2016
The Kingaroy QCWA will be holding a demonstration session soon so local people interested in the QCWA Country Kitchens program can see what it’s all about.
The session will be held at the Kingaroy QCWA Hall in Kingaroy Street, next to Kingaroy RSL, from 9:30am (for a 10:00am start) until noon on Thursday, September 15.
The theme of the morning’s cookery will healthy party food recipes and participants can share the delicious food that will be prepared, as well as fun and friendship.
Over the past four months, the Kingaroy branch has run four very successful nutrition, education and hands-on cooking skills workshops.
The branch now intends to kick off an action plan for a local nutrition-based community activity.
Interested people – women and men – are invited to call Isabella, the QCWA Country Kitchens Nutritionist, on (07) 3026-1220 or 0419-231-344 for any further information.
And if you intend to take part on September 15th, RSVPs by September 12 would be greatly appreciated for catering purposes.
They can be made by contacting the Kingaroy Country Kitchens Facilitator, Janelle Reeves, on 0419-861-616 or by email.