Graduates from the 2016 South Burnett Community Leadership Program with Karen Seiler (Red Earth Community Foundation) and  Pam McAllister, Vision 21 (Photo: Red Earth)

August 15, 2016

An information session for people interested in taking part in the 2017 South Burnett Community Leadership Program will be held at the end of the month.

The program, which has been running for three years, aims to nurture future community leaders.

It is organised by the Red Earth Community Foundation in conjunction with Vision 21.

The program is run over two modules at the Bunya Mountains.

Participants gain insights into leadership styles and personality types as well as building personal and business networks to help strengthen the viability and sustainability of businesses, organisations and communities.

Almost 70 people have now completed the course.

The information session will be held from 5:30pm to 7:00pm on Monday, August 29, at Mulanah Gardens, 736 Deep Creek Road, Inverlaw.

After the session, as optional Leadership Dinner will be held which will allow prospective attendees to socialise with program graduates. Cost is $25 (two-course meal).

For more information, contact Tina Torrens on 0417-010-292 or  by email

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Earlier on the same day, graduates from the South Burnett Community Leadership Program have been invited to attend an Alumni Leadership Development Day at Mulanah Gardens from 8:15am to 5:00pm.

The day will cover “Dealing With Conflict”, ie. knowing when to take action, understanding conflict styles, assertiveness and communication.

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