The Burnett District Men’s Champion of Champions fours and pairs were decided at Nanango Bowls Club over the past two weekends.
It was a great competition, club officials said, but it was disappointing that only five out of the 14 clubs in the district entered sides this year.
In the Pairs contest, Kingaroy defeated Murgon and Gayndah defeated Wondai, then Kingaroy defeated Nanango.
This meant the final was played between Kingaroy and Gayndah.
Kingaroy’s Col Kratzman and Richard Patterson 21 defeated Gayndah’s Ashley Harris and Peter Bennett 21-19 in a tight contest that was finally decided on the 21st end.
In the Fours, Nanango defeated Wondai, Gayndah defeated Murgon, and then Nanango defeated Kingaroy.
In the final, Gayndah’s Kevin Putney, Neville McCosker, Ashley Harris and Peter Bennett 18 prevailed over Nanango’s Brian Havell, Allan Wright, Athol Jensen and Glen Yeates 18-16.
This also turned out to be a close game – Gayndah just managed to score the winning shot with the last bowl of the day.
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At the regular Tuesday social on June 21:
- Bob Hammond, Cec Bracken and Allan Wright def. Evelyn Jensen, Trevor George and Henry Bliesner 29-17
- Brian Havell and Joe Aglizzio 44 def, Lew Saunders and Allan Ward 44-13
In the Championship Triples, Greg Pogson, Athol Jensen and Jim Fowler defeated Bob Hall, Mike Smith and Mike Wyvill 21-10.
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On Nanango’s Blackboard:
- Every Friday: Scroungers at 3:00pm
- Every Tuesday: Men’s Social (mufti) at 12:30pm – ladies welcome
- Saturday, July 2: Self-selected triples at Nanango, 12:00 noon start
- Sunday, July 3: Murgon Men’s President’s Day at Murgon
- Thursday, July 7: Binjour Ladies President’s Day at Binjour
- Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10: Kingaroy Men’s Fours Carnival at Kingaroy
- Tuesday, July 12: BLDBA District Patroness Day at Nanango
- Saturday, July 16: Self-selected triples at Yarraman, 12:00 noon start
- Thursday, July 21: Kingaroy Trophy Day at Kingaroy, 1:00pm start
- Saturday and Sunday, July 23-24: Men’s Pennants at Gayndah
- Saturday and Sunday, August 13-14: Winter Carnival at Yarraman
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Kilcoy News

Last Saturday, 44 players came along to Kilcoy Bowls Club to take part in the club’s annual Chaplaincy Charity Day, which supports the chaplains in local schools.
Winners for the day – drawn out of a hat – were Harold Alford, Gary Bowtell, Kate Gold and Pauline Lawson.
Runners Up were Ken Webster, Chris Playford, Val Wells and Cathy Atkinson (Cathy was visiting from Coolah in New South Wales).
Club Chair Marg Worrall presented half the day’s green fees to Chaplaincy rep Helen Bowtell.
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On Tuesday, it was the June Trophy Day sponsored by Elayne and Roger Moat.
The spider was won by Dawn Phillips while touchers went to Liz Frawley, Wendy Smith, Pam Taylor, Margaret Worrall, Dawn Phillips, Horst Myer, Jeff Welden, John Worrall, Kelly Charters and Ian Smith.
The raffles were won by Jenny Edwards, Bill Edwards, Kathy Hill and Jeff Welden, and the special draws went to Sheree Charters and Trudi Pratt.
The conditions of play were kept a secret until the end of play.
The winners – with the highest winning score – were Jeff Welden, Cathy Atkinson and Wendy Smith, who defeated Dennis Thomsen, Marg Worrall and Val Wells 30-18.
Runners Up – with the highest winning margin – were Horst Myer, Pam Taylor and Noel Lanes who defeated Jenny Edwards, John Worrall and Elayne Moat.
Other results:
- Bill Edwards, Kelly Charters and Col Ferguson def. Geoff Atkinson, Ian Smith and Liz Frawley 18-15
- Pauline Lawson, Sharon Walker and Dawn Phillips def. Trudi Pratt, Kathy Hill and Lyn Chandler 21-15
In the Championships, Tony Gray and Pam Taylor defeated Harold Alford and Kim Donovan in the Mixed Triples.
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On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Every Tuesday: Mixed Social Bowls; names by 9:00am for 9:30am start
- Saturday and Sunday, July 2-3: Two Day Mixed Carnival
- Wednesday, July 13: Pub Day, 11:00am start

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Kingaroy News
The Kingaroy Bowls Club’s recent Trophy Day with Nanango showed some big score gaps in the 12 club selected teams.
The trophy for Biggest Winning Margin went to Keith Muller, Bob Bougoure and Col Kratzman with a margin of 19.
And the trophy for Lowest Losing Score went to Bob Hall, Merv Wolski and Val Jeppersen with 10.
- Bob Hammond, Paul Merrychurch and Allan Irwin def. Bess Thorp, Hugh Harrison and Allan Rogerson 21-16
- Fred Keding, Harry Reid and Geoff Atkinson (Coolah B.C.) def. Des Richards, Paul Sarquis and Beryl Woods 26-17
- Darcy Munro, Henry Harwood and Glen Yeates def. Marg Moore, Sharon Yeates and Ray McLaren 27-13
- Glady Slatter, Geoff Clutterbuck and Kev Raffin def. Felipe Munoz, G. Heaton and Henry Bliesner 23-13
- Keith Muller, Bob Bougoure and Col Kratzman def. Bob Hall, Merv Wolski and Val Jeppersen 29-10
- Joe Aglizzo, Alex Callender and Dianne Reed def. Carol Atkinson (Coolah B.C.), Alan Ward and John Coppard 29-16
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The next trophy day – Felipe Munoz Trophy Day – will be held on Thursday, June 30th at 1:00pm.
It will take the form of club selected Triples, and names need to be in by 12:30pm.
Social players and players from other clubs are all welcome, and you can get more details by phoning the club on (07) 4162-1404.
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Kingaroy Bowls Club are also well on the way to preparing for their next big competition: the annual Mens Open Age Fours Carnival on the weekend of July 9-10.
$5500 in prizemoney will be up for grabs this year, and nomination fees are $240 per team of four.
You can obtain more details and/or put your name down by phoning the club on (07) 4162-1404.
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Murgon News
Saturday was a club trophy round:
- Nancy Tate, John Taylor and Glen Trevor def. Brian Emmereton, Donna Mulder and Harley Ryan 17-7
- Terry Lear, Betty Croft and Colin Rewald def. Maureen Jahnke, Peter Hawula and Roy Latham 17-7
- Donald Moore, Joyce Rewald, Allen Mitchell and David Croft def. Donald Moore, Rosa Lear, Reiner Marschall and Len McArthur 15-9
In Sunday’s social rotational round, Glen Trevor, Peter Hawula and Allen Mitchell def. Roy Frahm, Ray Currie and Don Moore 22-17.