Wednesday, June 8 was Pub Day at Kilcoy, and it drew good attendances as well as some fierce competition.
Round 1 turned out to be a tie between two teams – Pam Taylor, Ann Pope, Graham Derriman and Michael Dunn and Max Morrow, Ken Litherland, Kev Preece and Gina Ryder.
However Round 2 saw Bill Edwards, Peter Bell, Greg Staniforth and George Pratten emerge as winners.
The ultimate winners on the day were Peter Stanton, Brett French, Kev Miller and Ian Smith.
Bob Lukritz, Alan Johnson, Col Melcer and Paul Wlazly (all from Toogoolawah) were the Runners Up.
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In Championship results:
- Max Morrow and Tracey Evans defeated Bill Edwards and Trudi Pratt in the Mixed Pairs
- Jenny Edwards, Trudi Pratt, Kathy Hill and Marg Worrall defeated Maxine Wilcox, Nelly Herbert, Kim Donovan and Elayne Moat in the final of the Ladies Fours
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In last Tuesday’s Star of the Green, Darrin Welden defeated Liz Frawley and will now play Brett Kelly.
The jackpot did not go off so it stands at $107 on Tuesday, June 21.
Winners on the day were Horst Myer, Nev Johnson and Dawn Phillips who defeated Lester Bechly, Liz Frawley, Val Wells and Peter Playford 21-14.
Other results:
- Jeff Welden, Wendy Smith, Col Ferguson and Chris Playford def. Kelly Charters, John Worrall, Michael Dunn and Lyn Chandler 17-13
- Bill Edwards, Ian Smith and Grahame Derriman def. Joe Hassan, Ernie Herbert and Terry Pratten 15-14
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Kilcoy player Tony Gray won his first round match at the Australian Open Bowls Championships at the Gold Coast last Sunday but was narrowly defeated by one shot in the next round. Well done, Tony!
The draws for the Mixed Triples, Men’s triples and Men’s B Grade Singles are now on the board.
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On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Every Tuesday: Mixed Social Bowls; names by 9:00am for 9:30am start
- Saturday, June 25 – Chaplaincy Charity Day; names on board at the club no later than noon that day
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Nanango News
The Nanango Bowls Club’s Friday afternoon Scroungers session continues to draw a good roll-up despite the weather.
It can also produce some big scores.
On Friday, June 10, for excample the top Scroungers were Lew Saunders and Greg Pogson, who both turned in scores of 105.
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Last Tuesday saw a round of Social Pairs, with scoring one for an end and four for a win.
- Sue Tucker and John McConnell – 21 pts
- Bob Hammond and Mike Wyvill – 17 pts
- Cec Bracken and Josh Fisher – 15 pts
- Mike Smith and Allan Ward – 9 pts
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The club recently held its Championship Triples, and defending champions Brian Havell, Allan Wright and Glen Yeates got away to a flying start.
They scored eight shots on the first end, then suffered a curious form reversal which saw them unable to add anything further to their total until the sixth end.
This helped them secure a knife-edge 11-10 lead over their opponents, but it was slowly whittled down over the next three ends, at which time the scoreline showed 13-all.
Contenders Lew Saunders, Trevor George and Henry Bliesner must have thought they were in for a win at this point, but it was not to be.
The champions suddenly hit their straps, rediscovered their usual form, and went on to enjoy a comfortable 28-19 win.
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On Nanango’s Blackboard:
- Every Friday: Scroungers at 3:00pm
- Every Tuesday: Men’s Social (mufti) at 12:30pm – ladies welcome
- Saturday, July 2: Self-selected triples at Nanango, 12:00 noon start
- Sunday, July 3: Murgon Men’s President’s Day at Murgon
- Thursday, July 7: Binjour Ladies President’s Day at Binjour
- Saturday and Sunday, July 9-10: Kingaroy Men’s Fours Carnival at Kingaroy
- Tuesday, July 12: BLDBA District Patroness Day at Nanango
- Saturday, July 16: Self-selected triples at Yarraman, 12:00 noon start
- Thursday, July 21: Kingaroy Trophy Day at Kingaroy, 1:00pm start
- Saturday and Sunday, July 23-24: Men’s Pennants at Gayndah
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Yarraman News
Yarraman Bowls Club president Wayne Emms recently took a trip to Crows Nest to discuss opening up inter-club relations.
Whether this might take the form of occasional visits to each others’ clubs or a more formal contest has yet to be determined, but if the move succeeds it will further extend the club’s reach.
Yarraman already have a long-standing self-selected triples competition with Nanango Bowls Club, where each club takes a turn every fortnight to act as host.
And the recently launched Yarrabutt bowls competition has drawn bowlers from Blackbutt and Benarkin into the fold to defend the honour of the Timbertowns against Yarraman’s best.
The west is the natural third horizon for the club to explore.
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On Yarraman’s Blackboard:
- Every Wednesday: Ladies Bowls – 9:00am start
- Every Sunday: Social Bowls – 1:00pm start
- Saturday, July 2: Self-selected triples at Nanango, 12:00 noon start
- Thursday, July 7: Yarrabutt Challenge – 10:30am start, 18 ends
- Thursday, July 14: Bowls Qld Umpire Measurer and Marker course at Yarraman
- Saturday, July 16: Self-selected triples at Yarraman, 12:00 noon start
- Thursday, August 11: Yarrabutt Challenge – 10:30am start, 18 ends
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Bowls On SBS
Keen bowlers probably already know this, but if you don’t it might interest you to hear that The Bowls Show is back on free to air SBS and SBS On Demand.
The show screens every Sunday afternoon from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
It provides a great wrap-up of bowls news – particularly the annual Australian Open, which is running right now.