Partners in Foster Care recruitment officer Angie Dingle, acting team leader Amanda Tainton, Chrys McDuffie, from Downer; and support workers Angie Fisher, Kirsty Cauley and Michael Beets

April 12, 2016

South Burnett homes should be a lot “fire safer” following some generous donations by Downer, operators of the Meandu Mine.

The corporation has donated a total of 875 fire blankets, used to extinguish kitchen fires, to community groups throughout the region.

South Burnett CTC’s “Partners In Foster Care” received 100 fire blankets.

Downer representative Chrys McDuffie said fire blankets had been given to groups in Blackbutt, Nanango and Murgon as well as Kingaroy.

She said people who received the blankets should take care not to mount them above the stove – which is where the flames will be. Instead, they should be mounted on another wall in the kitchen where they would be handy to reach in an emergency.

The fire blanket is pulled from its container and placed over the burning pan to starve the fire of oxygen.

Partners In Foster Care acting team leader Amanda Tainton said the 100 fire blankets donated to her group would be given to foster carers.

This is a situation where you should use a fire blanket .. if you put even a cup of water on an oil fire on a stove, left, it will explode into fierce flames; serious burns can also occur if you try to lift a burning pan off the stove; placing a fire blanket over the pot will extinguish the fire


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