Keith Campbell
Mayor Keith Campbell
(Photo: SBRC)

April 7, 2016

The South Burnett Regional Council will abandon its previous three week meeting schedule and return to monthly meetings – at least, for the balance of the year.

At Thursday’s statutory post-election meeting, Councillors voted to hold the new Council’s first official meeting on Wednesday, April 20.

They also voted to hold all subsequent meetings on the third Wednesday of each month, except for October when the meeting will be held a week earlier because of a clash with the annual LGAQ Conference.

Mayor Keith Campbell said the proposed meeting schedule would take the business needs of the Council into account, and also aid consistency of reporting.

The first Wednesday of each month will be earmarked for portfolio briefings; and the second, fourth and fifth Wednesdays for strategic workshops and briefings from CEO Gary Wall.

Thursdays have been set aside as contingency days for Council business as required, and with notice.

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Councillors also voted to retain the portfolio system established by former Mayor Wayne Kratzmann.

Mayor Keith Campbell said the portfolio system had proven to be of great value over the last four years.

It allowed Councillors to develop a depth of knowledge about important areas of the Council’s operations.

It also compelled all Councillors to take a region-wide view of the organisation’s operations rather than a narrow, divisional view.

The following portfolios were assigned:

  • Economic Development, Governance and Communications – Mayor Keith Campbell
  • NRM, Parks and Indigenous Affairs – Deputy Mayor Kathy Duff
  • Finance, ICT and Human Resources – Cr Ros Heit
  • Roads and Drainage – Cr Gavin Jones
  • Planning and Property – Cr Terry Fleischfresser
  • Water, Waste Water, Waste Management, Sport & Recreation – Cr Roz Frohloff
  • Community & Health Services and the Arts – Cr Danita Potter

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At the start of the Statutory meeting Mayor Keith Campbell and all councillors were individually sworn in.  Each read a declaration and then signed it.


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