February 18, 2016
Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington has blamed Katter’s Australian Party for refusing to make life easier for campdraft organisers.
Mrs Frecklington and Member for Gympie Tony Perrett said KAP MPs Rob Katter and Shane Knuth had voted with the Labor Government to reject proposals to grant Community Liquor Permit exemptions for campdrafts.
The LNP’s Liquor and Fair Trading (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2015 sought to provide exemptions for campdrafting from needing a CLP during the running of its events.
KAP voted to knock back the LNP Bill.
“By rejecting this bill Labor and KAP have openly admitted that they do not trust campdrafters. This is quite ridiculous and extremely disappointing,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“It was a common-sense change aimed at reducing red tape for campdrafting groups.
“Volunteers who run these local community groups are being burdened with unnecessary paperwork to appease the nanny-state mentality of KAP and the State Labor Government.
“The the initial request to grant the exemption came from the president of the Cooyar Campdraft Association, Paul Barron, who asked that campdrafts be treated the same as ‘small regional shows’ which are given an exemption.”
Member for Gympie Tony Perrett said the vote showed that KAP claims of support for rural and regional activities and their supporters were “mere tokenism”.
“They had an opportunity to show their support and instead they once again chose to go the way of the Palaszczuk Labor Government,” Mr Perrett said.
“This is disappointing but not surprising. It is a kick in the guts for the sport.
“There is no way the KAP did not know what they were voting for when they sided with the government.
“Campdrafting has more than 20,000 supporters across Queensland and 220 affiliated committees.
“Even the Department of Justice and Attorney-General admitted that there have never been any problems relating to the sale of liquor at campdrafting events.
“As a member of the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee I specifically asked if the Department was aware of any problems in relation to the sale of or availability of alcohol at campdrafting events. The reply was, of course, ‘No’
“I have had a long association with campdrafting, and it is obvious to me that Labor and the KAP have no idea when it comes to supporting regional communities.
“The vote shows that they seem to be more interested in horse trading and backroom deals.
“Campdrafting it is a family orientated sport, run by reputable people and they deserve our support.”
- Related article: ‘Nanango Amendment’ To Assist Campdrafts
So, if campdrafting is a “family orientated sport”, why the hell does alcohol need to be involved at all???
The LNP have banged on for years about alcohol-fuelled violence, drunk driving and the evils of unrestricted alcohol consumption and sales to the general public. Now the LNPs would have the public support their stand on alcohol sales at remote events accessible only by private vehicles that promote drunk driving and the inevitable costly police response to public safety. Have Australians become a people so addicted to alcohol that traditional country entertainments can no longer draw crowds in numbers to these events?
Ever been to a campdraft Jack? It takes skill and concentration to compete in one, and just about everyone who takes part regards it as a serious sport. No-one in their right mind does it under the influence and I don’t know of any draft that’s had problems with drunkenness – before, during or afterwards.
Campdrafts run bars so spectators (and the odd rider) can grab a coldie afterwards – usually over dinner in the evening. And since they’re usually organised by volunteers, making them go through paperwork hoops is a silly impost. I’ve had enough of the Nanny State and this is just one more bit of pointless bureaucracy where I think the pain outweighs any potential gain.
I would agree that competitors most likely would not drink nowadays before an event, although nightfall’s entertainment holds many secrets as good old country boys know.
A far greater danger to democracy, free speech, individual rights and today’s freedoms is a police state that sets itself above the people’s will.
How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
“This year will go down in history for the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future.”
These words were penned by Adolf Hitler and still hold relevance today.
No government should be empowered in a way to master its people future.