There’s been a lot of action around local rinks this week … and there’s some big plans in the wind.
Kingaroy News
Kingaroy Bowls Club has issued a challenge to local business houses to take part in a six-week Corporate Challenge.
The club hopes to get 16 four-person teams competing in the evening event, which is set to start on Tuesday, March 15.
Team registration will cost $20, while play will cost $8 per person per round.
Dress code is casual with flat-soled shoes or thongs.
A light dinner will be included with each round, and lawn bowls and coaching are provided free.
Organiser John Lacey said the competition would be suitable for all age groups.
Matches will begin at 7:00pm (for a 7:15pm start) and conclude when a bell rings to end play at 9:00pm.
To get novice players up to speed, two “Come & Try” days will be held on Sunday, March 6 and Sunday, March 13 from 10:00am – but to ensure there’s enough equipment on hand you’ll need to book a spot.
You can do this by phoning John Lacey on 0409-755-426 or Geoff Clutterbuck on (07) 4163-6409 or by emailing the bowls club.
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Kingaroy Bowls Club’s Thursday selected singles was played in hot and clammy conditions last week.
With the temperature hovering around thirty-one degrees, 22 players took part in three games of Triples and 1 game of Doubles.
Many players were glad to retire indoors for a coldie once their games were finished.
Games in winning order:
- Des Richards, Paul Marychurch and Val Jeppersen def. Bevan Askew, Geoff Clutterbuck and Alan Irwin 39-11
- Keith Muller, Bob Hammond and Kevin Raffin def. Peter Neilsen, John Lacey and Beryl Woods 20-8
- Lyall Lascombe, Hugh Harrison and Daryl Stone def. Lauchlan Stone, Bob Bougoure and Col Kratzman 23-19
- Gladys Slatter and Alan Rogerson def. Henry Harwood and Ray Maclaren 19-15
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On Sunday, 14 teams played Jacpot Pairs (2 games of 18 ends) and with such a big roll-up, competition was always going to be strong.
Prize money was paid to the winners and runners up, but the jackpot wasn’t won.
- 1st: John Lacey and Col Kratzman – 2 wins + 30
- 2nd: Des Richards and John Coppard – 2 wins + 21
Other Scores (Skips only):
- Di Reed – 2 wins +17
- Mal Macleod – 2 wins +11
- Steve Carland – 1 win 1 draw +8
- Daryl Stone – 1 win 1 loss +8
- Ray Maclaren – 1 win 1 loss +8
- Wayne Dumbeck – 1 win 1 loss -8
- Dave Clapperton – 1 win 1 loss -8
- Geoff Clutterbuck – 1 draw 1 loss -10
- Alan Rogerson – 2 loss -9
- Beryl Woods – 2 loss -15
- Kev Raffin – 2 loss -21
- Fred Keding – 2 loss -33
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Wondai News
The Wondai Bowls Club will be holding a two-day Australia Day Bowls Carnival on January 23-24. And it looks like a corker.
Saturday January 23 will be Nominated Mens Pairs with a basket lunch, while Sunday January 24 will be Nominated Open Fours with a basket lunch.
Conditions of play on both days will be a 9:15am start; 3 rounds of 15 end of the bell; and wins to count (plus margins in the event of tie with the highest score).
There’ll be prizes on both days for the winners, runner-up and last round winner, but only one prize per team per day.
You can nominate or find out more details by phoning Alwyn Litzow on (07) 4168-5706 or E. O’Rourke on 0408-066-276
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Kilcoy News
There was a good roll-up of 20 players for Kilcoy Bowls Club’s first day back on the green on Tuesday, January 12. And the newly-renovated green looked (and played) immaculately.
Club officials passed on their congratulations to all the people responsible for the work.
They now consider it to be one of the best – if not the best – bowls greens in the district.
Winners of the day in a very close game were Marg Dahl, John Worrall, Pauline Lawson and Darrell Coffee, who narrowly defeated Bill Edwards, Noel Lanes, Darrin Welden and Kelly Charters 19-18.
Other scores:
- Lester Bechly, Kathy Hill and Phyl Coffee def. Dave Scott, Elaine Moat and Marg Worrall 18-10
- Jenny Edwards, Jef Welden and Dawn Phillips def. Tim Powell, Sharon Walker and Liz Frawley 17-7
Wednesday, January 13 was Pub Day.
- Round 1 went to Michael Dunn, Tony Gray, Grahame Derryman and Geoff
- Round 2 went to the Dayboro team of Merv, Karen, Terry and Simmo
- Runners Up were the Toogoolawah team of Bill, Chips, John and Karl
- Winners were Peter Stanton, Rob from Caloundra, Brett French and Kev Miller
Saturday saw Self Selected Handicap Pairs:
- Winners: Lester Bechly and Col Ferguson +14
- Runners Up: John Glanville and Terry Pratten +10

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Members are still missing out on the Friday Member’s draw – possibly because they’re still away on holiday.
On Friday, January 8 Peter Bell missed out on $240 when his number came out of the hat but he was nowhere to be found.
And at last Friday’s Member’s Draw, the $260 winning membership number belonged to Geoff Smith, but he wasn’t present either.
So there’ll be $280 on offer this Friday.
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Sunday was the club’s Annual General Meeting, and a new executive was sworn in for 2016:
- Chair: Marg Worrall
- Deputy Chair: Greg Staniforth
- Secretary: Bill Edwards
- Treasurer: Pauline Lawson
- Greens Director: Dave Scott
- Bar Providor: Dozer Bechly
- Kitchen Providor: Jenny Edwards
- Committee: Col Ferguson, Noel Lanes and Trudi Pratt
- Patron: Ron Glover
Men’s Committee:
- President: Jef Welden
- Vice President: Noel Lanes
- Secretary: Bill Edwards
- Games Director: Greg Staniforth
- Selectors: Max Morrow, Leigh Irwin and John Worrall
- District Delegates: Bill Edwards and Noel Lanes
Ladies Committee:
- President: Jenny Edwards
- Vice President: Nelly Herbert
- Secretary: Marg Worrall
- Assistant Secretary: Pauline Lawson
- Games Director: Trudi Pratt
- Selectors: Sharon Walker, Liz Frawley and Kathy Hill
- District Delegates: Jenny Edwards and Liz Frawley
On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Nomination forms for the Ladies District Sides and Challenge Matches are on the ladies board with various closing dates in the near future.
- Nominations for all Men’s Club Championships (ie. Singles, Pairs, Triples, Mixed Pairs and Mixed Triples) close on Sunday 7 February.
- Saturday, January 23: Social Bowls – names by 12:00 noon; 1:00pm start; non-bowlers welcome!
- Tuesday, January 26: Mixed Social Bowls every Tuesday – names by 9:00am for 9:30am start
- Saturday, February 13: Handicap Pairs