by Jim Bond
2016 is just around the corner … and what a year 2015 has been.
Despite dwindling numbers, most clubs have managed to complete their calendars and some have even gained new sponsorships and added another tournament or two to their activities.
One significant addition to the South Burnett program has been the participation by Bendigo Bank’s three branches in an inter-town competition scheduled for January.
Most Men’s and Ladies clubs will hold their AGMs early in the new year and some new faces could appear on club boards.
But one face that will disappear will be me.
I’m re-igniting my retirement plans and departing to Brisbane in February.
I will miss my South Burnett bowls friends, but I’d encourage clubs to continue to regularly contribute news about their activities to southburnett.com.au.
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Kingaroy News
Nanango came to Kingaroy last Thursday for a combined triples clash as both clubs neared the end of their seasons.
Forty-six players hit the greens in numbers that haven’t been seen for a mid-week game in Kingaroy for a while.
Both clubs mixed their players into teams, and the banter could be heard over the 21 ends played.
Thunderstorms and rain have played havoc with bowls recently, so it was great to get out and “roll a few down”.
Seven games of Triples and a game of Pairs were played, with scoring 6 points for a win and one point for each end won.
Trophies were awarded for first and second place.
Scores in winning order:
- Bob Bougoure, Sue Tucker and Ritchie Patterson (21) def. Joe Aglizzio, K. Fisher and Bob Robinson (6) 35-11
- Bevan Askew, D. Stone and Kevin Raffin (20) def. John McConnell, John Lacey and Barry O’Brien (7) 18-12
- Darcy Munro, B. Havell and Val Jeppersen (19) def. Mark Wolski, Gladys Slatter and Allan Ward (9) 26-15
- Felipe Munoz, Bob Hammond and David Clapperton (18) def. Fred Keding, Peter Neilsen and Henry Bleisner (8) 24-15
- J. Fisher, Merv Andersen and Bruce Johnston (18) def. Keith Muller, Sharon Yeates and Alan Irwin (9) 22-11
- Dave Barwick and Glen Yeates (16) def. Geoff Clutterbuck and John Coppard (11) 17-13
- L. Saunders, Alex Callender and Hugh Harrison (16) def. Evelyn Taylor, Bob Hall and Alan Rogerson (11) 18-14
- Des Richards, Dot Hall and Beryl Woods (15) def. Col McBride, T. George and Ray McLaren (12) 18-16
Afterwards, Kingaroy thanked Nanango for the many trips their club had made for other, similar matches during the year, and said they looked forward to doing the same again in 2016.
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Kilcoy News
The last Pub Day for 2015 saw a full green of players all keen to take home the Christmas Hams supplied by sponsor Terry Morley from Dayboro.
Terry has been sponsoring Christmas Pub Day for a number of years, and the Kilcoy Bowls Club is very appreciative of his generosity.
The Encouragement Award for the day went to Terry’s team from Dayboro (It was good to see Merv back after his accident earlier in the year).
- Round 2 winners were Daphne Stewart, Graham Heaton, Horst Myer and Alex Callander.
- Round 1 went to Lester Bechly, Harold Alford, Liz Frawley and Val Gannon.
- Runners Up were Peter Stanton, Neeta Chant, Brett French and Kev Miller
- Winners were Leigh Irwin, Trudi Pratt, John Worrall & Terry Pratten.
The green is now closed for 2015 but will be back in action early in the New Year with the Tuesday Social Bowls kicking off on January 12.
On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Tuesday Mixed Social Bowls will recommence on Tuesday, January 12.
- Wednesday, January 13: Pub Day.
- Saturday, January 16: Self Selected Mixed Handicap Pairs.
- Sunday, January 17: Proposed date for AGM
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Editor’s Note:
southburnett.com.au would like to express our appreciation to Jim Bond for his wonderful weekly bowls column, which he’s been writing for the last three years.
We’re certain many readers will agree Jim’s weekly wrap-ups of the region’s bowls news were often entertaining and sometimes amusing.
His upbeat and chatty reports also opened up the world of bowls to non-bowlers.
We will certainly miss him, but we wish him well in his retirement and we hope he enjoys a very long, happy and healthy one.
In future, bowls reports may not be quite as regular as they were under Jim’s stewardship.
But we do encourage South Burnett bowls clubs to continue submitting their news and results to us by email.
Thank you for your efforts. We will miss you. Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2016.