July 22, 2015
South Burnett exhibitors intending to take horses and livestock to the Ekka have been reminded they must have all their paperwork up-to-date to meet Biosecurity Queensland requirements.
Exhibitors bringing commercial animals will need a Queensland Travel Permit, a fully completed NVD Waybill, and for horses a Health Statement and Waybill.
Livestock entering the RNA grounds must be free of cattle ticks. Cattle must be treated with an approved chemical 24 hours before entering the RNA grounds.
Cattle from ticky areas, and from infected and high-risk properties in tick-free and protected areas, will be inspected upon entry to the RNA.
No livestock from BJD-Infected Restricted or Suspect properties will be allowed to enter.
As well, dairy goats must be free from caprine arthritic encephalitis (CAE) and dairy cattle must be free from enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL).