July 13, 2015
Gympie Mayor Mick Curran has asked Local Government Minister Jackie Trad to waive fines which will be levied on 2082 Gympie Regional Council residents who failed to vote in the February Mayoral by-election.
The by-election was called following the resignation of former Gympie Mayor Cr Ron Dyne in December due to ill-health.
Cr Curran told ABC Radio today some voters were confused because a postal ballot for the by-election was held one week after the State Government election.
“As you well know it was a postal vote,” he said.
“The first time that we’ve had a postal vote for a mayoral election and certainly a by-election, so … the feedback we’re getting is that there was some confusion in the community.
“And with that in mind, we’re certainly asking for … those fines to be waived.”
The Electoral Commission of Queensland is expected to be mailing out the $113 fine notices this week.
The 2082 recipients will have three weeks to either pay the fine or provide a legitimate excuse why they did not vote.
Anyone who wants to contest the fine can take the matter to court.
However, Mayor Curran is hoping anyone who has paid fines will have their money refunded if the State Government agrees with his request.