Gympie Regional Council’s 2015-16 Budget has delivered the smallest rate increase in the Council’s seven year history.
Mayor Mick Curran said the $130 million budget was about delivering quality services and infrastructure to the Gympie region while being fiscally responsible and efficient.
Gympie rates will rise by 2.67 per cent next year.
But as a sweetener to ratepayers, the Council will increase its early payment discount from 5 per cent to 10 per cent on the second rate notice.
“In real terms, the rate rise for a home with an unchanged valuation that attracts the minimum rate will be only seven cents a week,” Mayor Curran said.
“We have worked very hard to increase efficiencies and keep a cap on Council costs.”
The Council has budgeted a $52 million spend on capital works, and has allocated $6 million towards a $20 million aquatic and recreation centre, with the Federal Government also tipping $5 million into the project.
“This budget steers our region closer to our vision to be the natural choice to live, work and play,” the Mayor said, promising that increased efficiencies will not lead to any reduction in current services.
The Budget was handed down at the Council’s Budget meeting on June 3.
- Woolooga can look forward to footpath renewals and upgrades.
- Kilkivan will see a $20,000 upgrade to Kilkivan Hall; and a $40,000 upgrade to the amenities block at Kinbombi Falls.
- Goomeri will benefit from a $150,000 upgrade to the switchboard at Goomeri Showgrounds and a share of a $520,000 spend on streetscape improvements that will also be carried out in Tin Can Bay township and Cooloola Cove.
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Major projects in 2015-16 financial year include:
- $6 million for ARC, which will add to the $5 million pledged by Federal government for the $20 million total
- $1.1 million for upgrading Bayside Road at Tin Can Bay / Cooloola Cove
- $1.26 million for upgrading Langton Road and Hall Road in Monkland
- $495,000 for improving storm water drainage
- Almost $900,000 for road upgrading and bitumen sealing on sections of Anderleigh Road and Noosa Road
- $300,000 for footpath renewals and upgrades at Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach, Southside, Gympie and at Woolooga
- $700,000 for replacing Tatnell Bridge on Cedar Pocket Road at Cedar Pocket
- $950,000 for replacing the two single lane timber bridges on Fleming Road at Two Mile
- $1 million for sewer main relining in both Gympie and the Cooloola Coast
- $105,000 for improvements at Lake Alford Park
- $425,000 as part of a two year programme of improving facilities at Lawrie Hansen Park, Rainbow Beach
- $70,000 allocated to existing funds to construct new beach access/stairs to the beach from the southern point of Phil Rogers Park at Rainbow Beach
- $40,000 for purchasing play equipment at Centenary of Federation Park, Cooloola Cove
- $650,000 for upgrading the Civic Centre in Gympie, including replacing air conditioning
- $20,000 for improving the Kilkivan Hall
- $40,000 for upgrading the Kinbombi Falls amenities block
- $150,000 for upgrading the Gympie Showground switchboard
- $520,000 for the streetscape improvements as part of the Our Towns project implementation in Tin Can Bay township, Cooloola Cove and Goomeri
- $500,000 for Mary Street Concept Implementation as part of the Gympie Town Centre revitalisation strategy
- $450,000 for the Smithfield Street Concept Design Implementation as part of the Gympie Town Centre revitalisation strategy
- $100,000 for the Nelson Reserve/Memorial Park Masterplan Implementation
- $20,000 for design of new Gympie SES building