June 5, 2015
The South Burnett Regional Council and the Gympie Regional Council have come to an agreement on how to split up the $2 million State Government grant to develop the Kingaroy-Kilkivan Rail Trail.
Under their deal, $1.4 million will be spent on the stretch from Kingaroy to Murgon (in the South Burnett region) and $600,000 from Murgon to Kilkivan (the majority of which is in the Gympie region).
The emphasis in the Gympie section will be the stretch from Goomeri to Kilkivan.
A memorandum of understanding has been signed by both Councils.
Several bridges will need to be replaced – or updated – along the Kingaroy to Murgon stretch.
At Wednesday’s Council meeting, Natural Resources portfolio chair Cr Kathy Duff reported that public consultations on the Kingaroy-Murgon rail trail have now been completed, and responses had been “extensive”.
Council officers will now draw up a final plan based on submissions received during the public consultation process for Council approval.
Cr Duff said she expects this process will take a little longer than a month.
This was because the trail’s surface type, design standards for different path options, bridge structures, and material and construction costs all needed to be considered in the context of the Rail Trail’s overall budget.
After a final plan is drawn up, construction components will be put out to tender and a construction timetable will be announced.
Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said this week he thinks it is most likely the Rail Trail will be built in sections.
The first section would be from Murgon to Barambah Creek; the second, from Wondai to Wooroolin; and the third, from Crawford to Kingaroy.
Other sections – such as Wondai to Barambah Creek, Crawdford to Wooroolin and Murgon to Goomeri – will be then be built so the entire trail can link up.
Mayor Kratzmann said he is hopeful the first two sections can be operational by Christmas and the Kingaroy section by April 2016.
Related articles:
- Meet The Kingaroy-Murgon Rail Trail
- Rail Trail Meetings Begin Next Week
- Horses Still Possible On Rail Trail
- Trail Consultations Start In January
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