by Jim Bond
A highlight of last week’s bowls line-up was the Burnett Ladies Singles championships, which were held at Nanango.
Monday and Tuesday were devoted to playing this calendar event right through, with the cream of the Burnett’s lady bowlers getting together to fight out the “A” and “B” singles.
The competitions were played over three games, with the winner the first to 21 points.
The semi-finalists were then determined by the number of games won and the combined margins.
After the first day’s play, the “A” singles semi-finalists were Helene Johnson, Charmaine MacLeod, Linda Cecil and Diane Reed.
The “B” singles semi-finalists were Amy Bellert, Maree Millard, Lindy Clutterbuck and Seline Druery.
The semi-finals were played on Tuesday with Charmaine MacLeod and Helene Johnson being successful in “A” grade, while Amy Bellert and Seline Druery were successful in “B” grade.
The “A” grade final was played at a keen pace and Johnson jumped to a big lead before MacLeod fought back to get the score to 14 to 8.
However Johnson maintained the pressure and eventually ran out the winner by 25 to 17.
In the “B” final, Druery started at a crackerjack pace and led 11 to 2 early. But 15 year old Bellert with a never say die attitude continued to work hard and got the score back to 19-17.
The game got even closer at one stage, with the score 24-all.
Needing only one point, Druery then placed a superb draw bowl to get the winning shot, coming out the victor by a very narrow 25-24.
Semi-Final “A”:
- Charmaine MacLeod def. Linda Cecil 25-23
- Helene Johnson def. Diane Reed 25-23
In the final, Helene Johnson defeated Charmaine McLeod 25-17
Semi-Final “B”:
- Amy Bellert def. Lindy Clutterbuck 25-11
- Seline Druery def. Maree Millard 25-11
In the final, Seline Druery narrowly defeated Amy Bellert 25-24

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Yarraman News
The Yarraman Men’s A Grade Final was a real nail biter of a game, with Bill Holmes ultimately defeating Kev Profke 25-23.
Another couple of games of interest game for the gallery were the semi-finals of the Ladies Club Championship singles
Glenda Wolski defeated Lorri Holmes 25-20 and Robyn Diercke defeated Kay Dugdell by the same score.
An equally close game was the Ladies “B” Singles, where Eunice Smith defeated Alison Anderson 25-21.
* * *

Kilcoy News
Last Wednesday, two mixed teams went to Gatton for an inter-shire friendship day between Gatton, Toogoolawah and Kilcoy Bowls Clubs.
The winners on the day were a Gatton team with Kilcoy 2 (Leigh Irwin, Trudi Pratt, Harold Alford and Liz Frawley) runners up.
Kilcoy 1 (Bill Edwards, Lester Bechly, Marg Worrall and Jenny Edwards) received the consolation prize.
The westerly winds made bowling difficult but everyone enjoyed the day immensely.
Championship Results:
- Men’s A Singles – John Glanvill def. Harold Alford 25-7.
- Men’s Pairs – Harold Alford and Stan Vallance def. Bill Edwards and Leigh Irwin 23-17
- Mixed Pairs – Max Morrow and Tracey Evans def. Leigh Irwin and Jenny Edwards 19-12
- Ladies Pairs – Gina Ryder and Tracey Evans def. Marg Worrall and Kathy Hill 22-11
Last Tuesday was Ladies Trophy Day, and it was sponsored by Gina Ryder and Dozer Bechly.
The winners were Trudi Pratt, John Worrall and John Swenson. And the runners op – on a count back – were Dennis Thomsen, Dave Scott and Liz Frawley.
Good news for the club too: Pauline Lawson has attained her umpire’s qualification.
On Kilcoy’s blackboard:
- Kilcoy ladies playing in the District Sides team at Caloundra next week are Jenny Edwards, Gina Ryder and Tracey Evans. Marg Worrall is part of the management team.
- Next Saturday, May 9: 1st Round Warman Woodrow Shield at Kilcoy
- Tuesday, May 12 – Ladies Meeting;
- Wednesday, May 13 – Pub Day;
- Saturday, May 23 – 2nd Round Warman Woodrow Shield at Woodford.

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State District Side Results
The 2015 State Men’s and Ladies District Sides competitions began playing today at five different venues around south-east Queensland will continue until this Wednesday, May 6.
Here are the results for the Men’s and Ladies’.A and B-grade matches played on Sunday, May 3.
* * *
2015 State Men’s District Sides Results – Day 1
At Coolum Beach (Sect B)
Round 1:
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Sunshine Coast “B” 91-35
- Port Curtis def. Maranoa Warrego 97-45
- Brisbane North def. Burnett 94-50
Round 2:
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Port Curtis 79-56
- Sunshine Coast “B” def. Burnett 77-55
- Brisbane North def. Maranoa/Warrego 107-46
Round 3:
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Brisbane North 76-53
- Sunshine Coast “B” def. Maranoa/Warrego 97-48
- Port Curtis def. Burnett 72-59
At Pacific Paradise (Sect B)
Round 1:
- Cunningham def.Southern Downs 73-50
- Fraser Coast def. North Queensland 73-58
- Brisbane def. Caboolture 67-50
Round 2:
- Southern Downs def. North Queensland 65-50
- Cunningham def. Brisbane 83-62
- Fraser Coast def. Caboolture 70-50
Round 3:
- Caboolture def. Southern Downs 59-37
- Cunningham def. Fraser Coast 58-50
- Brisbane def. North Queensland 85-45
At Tewantin-Noosa (Sect A)
Round 1:
- Downs def. Tropical Nth Qld 54-51
- Sunshine Coat “A” def. Central Qld 95-40
- Maxckay def. Condamine 80-62
- Gateway def. North West Qld 86-53
- Bundaberg def. Leichhardt 89-45
Round 2:
- Bundaberg drew Tropical Nth Qld 54-all
- Central Qld def. Gateway 73-63
- Downs def. Condamine 92-44
- Mackay def North West Qld 70-57
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. Leichhardt 96-35
Round 3:
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. North West Qld 82-63
- Condamine def. Gateway 76-64
- Bundaberg def. Downs 50-46
- Mackay def Tropical Nth Qld 70-53
- Central Qld def. Leichhardt 85-46
* * *
2015 State Men’s District Sides Results – Day 2
Round 4
- Brisbane def. Port Curtis 64-59
- Brisbane North def. Fraser Coast 55-51
- Gateway def. Downs 73-48
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Cunningham 67-55
- Sunshine Coast def. Bundaberg 67-64
- Burnett def North Qld 72-61
- Southern Downs def. Sunshine Coast “B” 69-58
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Central Qld 73-59
- Caboolture def. Maranoa/Warrego 100-39
- Condamine def. North West Qld 70-63
- Mackay def. Leichhardt 77-49
Round 5
- Gold Coast Tweed def. North Qld 91-50
- Caboolture def. Burnett 77-68
- Cunningham def Maranoa/Warrego 111-44
- Southern Downs def. Port Curtis 62-50
- Brisbane North def. Brisbane 68-64
- Fraser Coast def. Sunshine Coast “B” 65-63
- Sunshine Coast “A” def Tropical Far Nth Qld 79-51
- Bundaberg def. Gateway 76-59
- Mackay def. Downs 73-58
- Central Qld def Condamine 91-41
- Leichhardt def. North West Qld 62-61
Round 6
- Gold Coat Tweed def. Caboolture 93-67
- Cunningham def. Burnett 96-40
- North Qld def. Maranoa/Warrego 84-48
- Brisbane North def. Southern Downs 99-41
- Brisbane def. Sunshine Coast “B” 62-57
- Port Curtis def. Fraser Coast 63-55
- Bundaberg def Mackay 64-61
- Gateway def. Tropical Far Nth Qld 73-72
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. Condamine 63-58
- Central Qld def. North West Qld 65-52
- Downs def. Leichhardt 92-52
* * *
2015 State Men’s District Sides Results – Day 3
Round 7
- North West Qld def. Bundaberg 70-69
- Downs def. Central Qld 69-55
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. Mackay 71-43
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Condamine 66-54
- Gateway def. Leichhardt 76-49
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Southern Downs 83-57
- Fraser Coast def. Burnett 70-61
- Brisbane def. Maranoa/Warrego 105-39
- Cunningham def. Sunshine Coast “B” 80-38
- Port Curtis def. Caboolture 71-69
- Brisbane North def. North Qld 95-33
Round 8
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. Downs 78-52
- Gateway def. Mackay 64-63
- Bundaberg def. Central Qld 78-54
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. North West Qld 88-60
- Condamine def. Leichhardt 75-62
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Fraser Coast 64-60
- Southern Downs def. Maranoa/Warrego 76-50
- Burnett def. Brisbane 71-54
- Cunningham def. Port Curtis 78-50
- North Qld def. Sunshine Coast “B” 87-45
- Brisbane North def. Caboolture 72-47
Round 9
- Sunshine Coast “A” def. Gateway 67-51
- Caboolture def Sunshine Coast “B” 66-55
- Mackay def. Central Qld 67-62
- Bundaberg def. Condamine 64-45
- North West Qld def. Downs 65-63
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Leichhardt 95-44
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Brisbane 78-50
- Southern Downs def. Burnett 47-42
- Fraser Coast def. Maranoa/Warrego 78-50
- Brisbane North def. Cunningham 75-55
- Port Curtus def. North Qld 69-68
* * *
2015 State Ladies’ District Sides Results – Day 1
At Club Maroochy (Sect A)
Round 1:
- Sunshine Coast def. Brisbane North 66-30
- Brisbane def. Burnett 55-34
- Gateway def. Southern Downs 54-33
- Mackay def. Maranoa-Warrego 65-35
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Downs ??-31
Round 2:
- Downs def. Mackay 50-48
- Brisbane North def. Gateway 51-47
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Burnett 57-39
- Brisbane def. Southern Downs 51-44
- Sunshine Coast def. Maranoa-Warrego 85-23
Round 3:
- Sunshine Coast def. Southern Downs 66-40
- Gateway def Burnett 55-50
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Mackay 52-36
- Brisbane def. Downs 53-41
- Brisbane North def. Maranoa Warrego 70-48
At Caloundra (Sect B)
Round 1:
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Caboolture 42-37
- Bundaberg def. Port Curtis 45-43
- Central Qld def. North Qld 56-43
- Tropical Far North Qld def. Condamine 65-32
- Cunningham def. Leichhardt 46-34
Round 2:
- Cunningham def. Caboolture 46-45
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Port Curtis 53-36
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Central Qld 58-42
- North Qld def Condamine 61-41
- Bundaberg def. Leichhardt 65-45
Round 3:
- Bundaberg def. Condamine 73-37
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Central Qld 61-34
- Cunningham def. Wide Bay-Gympie 71-25
- North Qld def. Caboolture 60-29
- Port Curtis def. Leichhardt 55-41
* * *
2015 State Ladies’ District Sides Results – Day 2
At Club Maroochy (Sect A)
Round 4
- Sunshine Coast def. Mackay 66-37
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Gateway 53-40
- Downs def. Brisbane North 57-49
- Southern Downs def. Burnett 54-45
- Brisbane def. Maranoa Warrego 73-24
Round 5
- Sunshine Coast def. Downs 58-37
- Gateway def. Mackay 49-46
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Brisbane 52-49
- Brisbane North def. Burnett 54-37
- Southern Downs def. Maranoa Warrego 55-34
Round 6
- Mackay def. Brisbane 60-33
- Gateway def. Downs 60-26
- Sunshine Coast def. Burnett 54-31
- Brisbane North def. Southern Downs 61-44
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Maranoa Warrego 110-15
At Caloundra (Sect B)
Round 4
- Cunningham def. Bundaberg 43-39
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Tropical Far Nth Qld 54-33
- Caboolture def. Port Curtis 65-36
- Central Qld def. Condamine 48-36
- North Qld def. Leichhardt 61-39
Round 5
- Bundaberg def. Caboolture 51-40
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Cunningham 61-39
- North Qld def. Wide Bay-Gympie 64-29
- Central Qld def. Port Curtis 53-49
- Condamine def. Leichhardt 80-32
Round 6
- Cunningham def. North Qld 56-33
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Caboolture 54-40
- Central Qld def. Bundaberg 49-43
- Port Curtis def. Condamine 56-54
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Leichhardt 75-30
* * *
2015 State Ladies’ District Sides Results – Day 3
At Club Maroochy (Sect A)
Round 7
- Mackay def. Southern Downs 69-31
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Brisbane North 63-26
- Sunshine Coast def. Brisbane 66-35
- Downs def. Burnett 47-41
- Gateway def. Maranoa Warrego 68-36
Round 8
- Sunshine Coast def. Gold Coast Tweed 44-43
- Gateway def. Brisbane 65-28
- Mackay def. Brisbane North 54-31
- Downs def. Southern Downs 74-41
- Burnett def. Maranoa Warrego 66-49
Round 9
- Sunshine Coast def. Gateway 69-43
- Brisbane def. Brisbane North 57-41
- Mackay def. Burnett 46-41
- Gold Coast Tweed def. Southern Downs 74-31
- Downs def. Maranoa Warrego 89-33
At Caloundra (Sect B)
Round 7
- Cunningham def. Condamine 66-28
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Port Curtis 44-43
- North Qld def. Bundaberg 46-45
- Central Qld def. Caboolture 46-43
- Tropical Far Nth Qld def. Leichhardt 71-36
Round 8
- Bundaberg def. Wide Bay-Gympie 46-43
- North Qld def. Tropical Far Nth Qld 53-40
- Cunningham def. Port Curtis 59-40
- Caboolture def. Condamine 51-41
- Central Qld def. Leichhardt 54-46
Round 9
- Bundaberg def. Tropical Far Nth Qld 57-52
- Port Curtis def. North Qld 45-43
- Cunningham def. Central Qld 47-46
- Wide Bay-Gympie def. Condamine 61-35
- Leichhardt def. Caboolture 54-50
Thank you Jim. A fantastic coverage. I was just about to look up the results of the District games and there they were in front of me. Again thanks. Regards Delvin Powys