by Jim Bond
The four-day Easter break meant there was little action on most of the region’s bowling greens while the Big Bunny was out delivering eggs.
But from Tuesday onwards, the beautiful autumn weather we’re having saw most greens spring into action again.
Many clubs around the region resumed getting along with calendar championship commitments. Others just got together for fun and socialising.
Here’s a wrap-up of the week, with hyper-acftive Yarraman leading the bulletin:
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Yarraman News
With Yarraman’s Pines Carnival only a couple of weeks away, social trophy games are giving the locals plenty of opportunities to brush up on their skills.
The Yarraman Games Director snapped on an extra trophy day for Easter Sunday. Fourteen bowlers came along relishing the opportunity to get in some early practice.
- Winners: John Moore and Di Currell def. Rob Douglass and Jenny Moore 24-15
- Runners up: Kev Profke and Tom Clarke def. Neil Johnston and Margaret Willoughby 18-11
- Other scores: Todd Currell, Bev Profke and Wayne Emms def. Neil Currell, Sandra Currell and Marge Clarke 15-14
Easter Monday saw one game of Men’s Championship Singles played. After being 17-all with five ends to go. Kev Profke ultimately defeated George Wolski 25-18.
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Four more Singles Championships games were played on Thursday and the matches attracted quite a gallery.
A match that was of great interest was between Horst Meyer and Brian Dugdell (ie the President and the Immediate Past President).
Brian, last year’s runner-up got away to a good start leading 6-2 early.
But then Horst picked up the speed of the green, leading by 10-9 on the ninth before scooting away to take out the match 25-14.
Another match of interest was between Graham Heaton and KK.
It was pretty even going early: four-all at the sixth and even stevens to the 17th.
After that, Kerry fell away and Graham stomped home, taking a four on the 24th to put 28-17 on the scoreboard.
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The match between Kevin Profke and Todd Currell attracted a lot of family interest.
This was also a very even game early on, with the score 10-all by the 10th.
Then Kevin put the pressure on, comfortably winning 25-19 after 24 ends.
The game between Merv Fitch and Neil Currell was another great match to watch.
Neil got away to a good start, leading 11-6 on the 12th, and it looked like Neil had Merv’s measure.
However a couple of tight ends soon changed the picture, with Merv taking a couple on a measure.
From there on, the wily Tanduringie farmer really ramped up the pressure, ultimately taking out the match 28-17
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Wednesday saw one game of Ladies Pairs Championships played, with Helene Johnson and Daphne Stewart defeating Bev Profke and Di Currell 24-12.
And the winners of Wednesday’s social trophy day were Kev Profke, Lola Harper and Jenny Moore.
It is winter drawers on Thursday night, and social play will come to an end in a couple of weeks.
Results of this weeks play:
- George Wolski and Kerry Walsh def. Brian Dugdell and Ken Walsh 22-10
- Todd Currell, Arthur Smith and Maddie Currell def. Sandra Currell, Eunice Smith and Wayne Emms 14-7
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Several Yarraman players journeyed to Nanango a couple of Fridays ago and were intrigued with the format of their “Scroungers” competition. It now looks like it might become a regular feature on the Yarraman program.
Some good scores were registered on the afternoon, too.
Alison Anderson wound up “Chief Scrounger”, topping the scoreboard with 61 points, followed closely by Wayne Emms on 60.
Other scroungers:
- Kevin Profke – 56
- Maddie Currell – 56
- Sandra Currell – 44
- Robyn Diercke – 42
- Eunice Smith – 33
- Arthu Smith – 30
- Tailia Currell – 24
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Nanango News
Tuesday was Trophy Day and it was social bowls, with conditions one for an end and four for a win:
- Lew Saunders, Allan Carr and Brian Havell – 19 pts
- Bob Hall, Jim Steverink and Glen Yeates – 18 pts
- Wanda Carland, Linda Clutterbuck and Dave Barwick – 17 pts
- Marie Millard, Steve Carland and Bob Robinson – 17 pts
- Brigette Kung, Geoff Clutterbuck and Kevin Raffin – 15 pts
- Julie Saunders, Henry Bliesner and Allan Ward – 10 pts
On Wednesday in the Championship Mixed Pairs, Sue Tucker and Glen Yeates defeated Julie and Lew Saunders.
And in Wednesday’s Ladies Social, Kneller Sulter, Dot Hall, Linda Steverink and Silvia Fanning defeated Lindy Stevenson, Heather Carr and Evelyn Jensen 18-7.
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Kingaroy News
On Wednesday bowlers played triples, with two close games.
- Amanda Le Mesurier, Marj Moore and Val Jeppesen drew Irene Maroski, Gladys Slatter and Annette O’Brien 19-all
- Bess Thorp, Barry O’Brien and Sharon Yeates def. Felipe Munoz, Norma Rook and Beryl Woods 18-10
Then on Thursday, it was three bowl triples with the overall winners being determined by the highest score:
- Fred Keding, Marj Moore and Danny Holligan (winners) def John Lacey, Paul Marychurch and Bob Robinson 25-9
- Dave Barwick, Bob Bougoure and Kev Raffin def. Erris Vale, Alan Rogerson and Alan Irwin 23-18
- Briggitte Kung, Eric Ford and Errol Dionysius def. Keith Muller, Maree Millard and Ray Maclaren 21-8
- Bevan Askew, Ray Iverson and Richie Patterson def. Des Richards, Geoff Clutterbuck and Hugh Harrison 16-12
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Kilcoy News
In last Tuesday’s matches:
- Kelly Charters and Bill Edwards def. Darrell Coffee, Terry Pratten and Noel Lanes 24-11
- Graham Derriman, Fay Vicary and Dennis Thomsen def. John Svensen, Ann Pope and Jenny Edwards 26-13
- Ernie Herbert, Dave Scott and Michael Dunn def. Phyllis Coffee, Bert Christie and Lester Bechly 23-14
The jackpot did not go off.
And in the Star of the Green competition: Harold Alford defeated Fay Vicary.
Two rain-interrupted games of fours were also played.
- Wendy Smith, Fay Vicary, Trudi Pratt and Bill Edwards def. John Svensen, Ian Smith, Noel Lanes and Tim Powell 20-8
- Val Wells, Ernie Herbert, Marg Dahl and Jeff Welden def. Col Ferguson, Darrell Coffee, Liz Frawley and Jenny Edwards 13-10.
On the blackboard at Kilcoy:
- Monday, April 13 – Ladies Financial Day sponsored by Kilcoy Funerals, with a full green nominated
- Sunday. April 19 – Breaky Pairs (breaky at 8:45am, bowls at 9:30am)
- Tuesday, April 28 – Ladies Monthly Trophy Day sponsored by Gina Ryder and Dozer Bechly
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Murgon News
Before I sign off for this week, can I draw your attention to the Lions Versus Rotary Charity Bowls Afternoon being held at the Murgon Bowls Club tomorrow? (ie Sunday, April 12)
The two Murgon service clubs have organised a fun afternoon on the greens as a fundraiser for a young Murgon family who have a very ill child, and it’s a very worthwhile cause.
But don’t be put off by the event’s name – you don’t have to be a member of either club to take part, and anyone can have a go.
You can read all about it on this page of southburnett.com.au.