March 23, 2015
Cyclone Marcia tossed a spanner or two into the planning for this year’s Windera Music Muster but that was all forgotten on Saturday.
The Muster had been originally scheduled for February 21 but the looming tropical storm put paid to that.
But there was never any chance that it wouldn’t be re-scheduled … the Music Muster is far too important an annual fundraiser for the tiny Windera State School.
It is also an opportunity for the local community to get together and have fun.
This is the fifth year the Muster has been run by the Windera P&C and although it clashed with the Goomeri Show, there was still a good roll-up of locals and visitors to enjoy the live music on stage and the Junior Talent Quest.
There were also plenty of other activities for children, including a jumping castle, miniature horse rides, face-painting and games.
The idea for holding an annual music muster was thought up by principal Guy Davis, who is also a familiar face around the South Burnett music scene.