March 11, 2015
Visitors from within Queensland to the Southern Queensland Country tourism region – which includes the South Burnett – rose 15.6 per cent over last year, according to the latest Domestic Tourism Snapshot released today by Tourism and Events Queensland.
According to the TEQ statistics, 1.633 million visitors from within Queensland visited the Southern Qld Country region over the past 12 months.
In comparison,245,000 visited the Whitsundays, 365,000 visited the Fraser Coast, and 2.170 million visited the Sunshine Coast.
Visitors from interstate to the Southern Queensland Country region dropped 13.4 per cent to 311,000.
Overall, domestic visitation to the region rose 9.7 per cent, however TEQ said this rise was driven by growth in the business sector.
The Southern Queensland Country area includes the resources growth area of the Surat Basin.
Spending by business visitors showed strong growth across all Queensland (up 12 per cent to $2.1 billion) however holidaymakers (down 6.7 per cent) and people visiting friends and relatives (down 2.3 per cent) all spent less.
The information in the Snapshot was extracted from the National Visitor Survey, managed by Tourism Research Australia.
NB. TEQ says it reports the information for the South Burnett, Toowoomba, Southern Downs and Western Downs region as one figure rather than separately “to improve the reliability of information presented”.