Former Gympie Mayor Ron Dyne

February 21, 2015

Former Gympie and Kilkivan mayor Ron Dyne succumbed to cancer on Friday afternoon.

Cr Dyne was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic, liver and bowel cancer in July last year.

At the time, he said would continue in the mayoral role while he still felt fit and able, but would immediately take leave if that changed.

This point came in September when he took leave from Council to continue chemotherapy treatment.

At an emotional Council meeting in December, he formally tendered his resignation.

A by-election to fill the vacant role was then organised (see separate report).

The Gympie Regional Council’s announcement of his death noted the community had lost a remarkable man and a true leader.

Cr Dyne was first elected as a councillor on the former Kilkivan Shire Council in 2000, and became Kilkivan Mayor four years later.

Following the 2008 council mergers, he was the first Mayor of the amalgamated Gympie Regional Council and held that position until December.

Before entering local government, he spent 21 years in the Army before retiring in 1993 to run a hobby farm at Lower Wonga.

He is survived by his wife Dulcie, two children and two grandchildren.

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Condolence books will be available at three Gympie Regional Council sites for local residents to convey their sympathy messages to the Dyne family.

The condolence books will be available at the Gympie Town Hall and at 242 Mary Street, Gympie from 3:00pm on Monday (Feb 23) and at the Kilkivan branch office at noon tomorrow (Tuesday).