February 14, 2015

by Jim Bond

February is rolling along quite smoothly, and all clubs are reporting good roll-ups for their competitions and championship events.

Kingaroy has is top green back in action after extensive maintenance and refurbishment.

And the Kilcoy Mens Championship draw is on the board and set to go.

Anyway, Kingaroy leads our bulletin this week:

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Kingaroy News

Eighteen teams got together for the ever popular Jackpot Pairs last Sunday.

This competition is played over two games of 18 ends, and the team with two wins and the highest combined margin is declared the winner.

The Jackpot number is spun with a cash jackpot on offer.

At the end of play there were four teams with two wins each and the overall margins decided the result

  • Winners: Wendy Turner and Richie Patterson – 2 wins plus margin 24
  • Runners-Up: Troy Schultz and Greg Schulz – 2 wins plus margin 18

The Jackpot number was 61, and the jackpot was shared between Glady Slatter/lan Rogerson and Bob Bougoure/Maureen Semgreen’s teams.

On Thursday, the newly renovated top green was opened for use after extensive work was carried out during its annual maintenance and refurbishment.

The green was playing slower than its counterpart the bottom green, however the run was true and consistent

One game of Pairs and four games of Triples were played.


  • Pairs: Peter Neilsen and Ross Olsson def. Dave Barwick and Dave Clapperton 23-18
  • Des Richards, Marj Moore and Errol Dionysius def. June Olsson, Bob Bougoure and Beryl Woods 25-13
  • Keith Muller, Maureen Semgreen and Bruce Johnston def. Keith Kratzmann, Steve Carland and Alan Irwin 19-17
  • Lyle Dascombe, Gladys Slatter and Richie Patterson def. Maree Millard, Paul Marychurch and Ray Maclaren 21-19
  • Lindy Clutterbuck, Barry O’Brien and Kev Raffin def. Briggitte Kung, Geoff Clutterbuck and Col Kratzmann 26-10

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Yarraman News

It was a big day last Saturday – Fish Day.

This popular tournament was sponsored by Horst Myer and Neil Johnston, and featured two games of 16 ends.

  • Winners: Brian and Kay Dugdell – 46
  • Runners up: Kerry Knowles, Terri Silcox and Lorri Holmes – 44
  • Third: Keith Carroll, Nev Lawrence and Chris MacLeod – 40
  • Sportsman Award: Alison Anderson, Margaret Willoughby and Eunice – 24

Other scores of interest:

  • Kev Profke and Tom Johnson – 38
  • Neil Currell, Glenda Wolski and Di Currell – 30
  • Horst Myer and George Wolski – 30
  • John Beattie and Ron Lucas – 30

Wednesday was Ladies Club Day and it saw the following results:

  • Neil Currell, Robyn Diercke and Wayne Emms def Brian Dugdell, Kay Dugdell and Eunice Smith 14-12
  • Nev Lawrence, Leo Robinson and Alison Anderson def Di Currell, Ivy Wrembeck and Margaret Willoughby 18-12

And in the Thursday Night Social:

  • Winners: Brian Dugdell, Eunice Smith and Kenny Walsh def. John Moore, Arthur Smith and Kerry Walsh 30-6
  • Kev Profke, Sandra Currell and Margaret Willoughby def. Todd Currell, Jenny Moore and Wayne Emms 28-11

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Nanango News

Last Friday in Scroungers, Greg Pogson was top of the board again with 78. Next best was Henry Bliesner with 56

On Tuesday in the Men’s Social, the winner was decided by the highest score.

  • Winners: Bob Hammond and Glen Yeates – +36.
  • Trevor George and Brian Havell – +32
  • Josh Fisher and Jim Fowler – +28
  • Neil Drew and Henry Bliesner – +27
  • Lew Saunders and Allan Ward – +22
  • Bob Hall and Kevin Profke – +21
  • Joe Aglizzio and Mike Wyvill – +12
  • Cec Bracken and Greg Pogson – +11

On Wednesday, in the Ladies Social, one score of interest was Sylvia Fanning and Sue Tucker close win over Di McNeilage and Evelyn Jensen 13-11.

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Kilcoy News

On Monday of last week, Jenny Edwards, Pauline Lawson, and Phyl and Darrell Coffee attended Donnybrook’s Financial Day.

They didn’t win the bowls but had a very enjoyable day.

And on Tuesday in the Star of the Green competition: Jenny Edwards defeated Noel Lanes and will play John Worrall next week.

In the Jackpot Social:

  • Winners: Leigh Irwin, Trudi Pratt and Gina Ryder def.Jenny Edwards, Jeff Welden and Pauline Lawson 29-10
  • Bill Edwards, Dave Scott and Kelly Charters def. Noel Lanes, Kathy Hill and Ian Smith 27-15

The jackpot did not go off and will be $89 next week.

Men’s Club Championship draws have been done and are now on the noticeboard.

Coming Events at the club:

  • Tuesday February 17: Mixed Social Jackpot Bowls (2,4,2 Pairs if numbers permit). Pairs. 8.15am breakfast, 9am bowls.
  • Tuesday 24 – Ladies Trophy Day. Trophy Donors: Marg & John Worrall and Beryl & Col Ferguson.
  • 1st Round Men’s Championship Fours to be played on or before February.22
  • 1st Round Men’s Singles to be played on or before March 8
  • 1st Round Men’s Championship Pairs to be played on or before March.15
  • 1st Round Mixed Championship Pairs to be played on or before March.22

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