January 27, 2015
There’s another election looming for some South Burnett residents … residents of the Gympie Regional Council area must vote to elect a new mayor following the resignation of Ron Dyne in December for health reasons.
Ballot papers were posted to the enrolled address of eligible voters on Friday, January 23, and must be returned to the address on the enclosed envelope by the close of business on Tuesday, February 17.
Eight candidates have nominated.
In ballot paper order, they are:
- Reg Lawler – from Dagun, chairman of Citizens Helping Inskip Peninsula (CHIP), campaigning on a 10 per cent rate cut
- Doug Anderson – from Cooloola Cove, former KAP candidate for Bundaberg
- Gay Lohse – from Gympie, former florist, Rotarian, board member of SkillCentred Queensland
- Ian Petersen – current Gympie Shire councillor (Division 3)
- Mick Curran – current Gympie Shire councillor (Division 7)
- George Groth – Goomboorian businessman, unsuccessfully challenged Ron Dyne for mayor in 2012 poll
- Lindsay Horswood – Gympie property valuer, councillor with the former Gympie City Council, lost LNP pre-selection contest for the State seat of Gympie to Deputy Mayor Tony Perrett
- Graham Engeman – auctioneer, former Gympie Shire councillor
The election will be carried out as a full postal ballot, ie. there will be no polling booths.
Voting is compulsory.
* * *
Division 2 councillor Rae Gâté is currently Acting Mayor of Gympie Regional Council.
She took over the caretaker role when previous Acting Mayor, former Deputy Mayor Tony Perrett, stood aside on January 8 after the State Election was called. Cr Perrett won LNP pre-selection for the State seat of Gympie.
- Related article: Gympie Mayor Resigns