December 10, 2014
Mayor Ron Dyne tendered his resignation at this morning’s meeting of Gympie Regional Council.
Cr Dyne has inoperable cancer and said his personal health issues meant he could not continue in the role of Mayor with the energy and time that the position required.
His resignation will take effect on December 19.
Cr Tony Perrett will be Acting Mayor until a by-election is held within three months.
“I am extremely disappointed that my resignation will not allow me to complete my term and prove the confidence the community has placed in me,” Mayor Dyne said in a statement.
“I am placated by my belief that the Council and the region are in good hands under the stewardship of the Deputy Mayor, councillors, CEO and through the work of Council staff.
“I have been privileged to lead this Council through the amalgamation process and am proud that what could have been a tumultuous and fractious time was actually a smooth, cohesive process held up as a benchmark of local government amalgamation.”
Mayor Dyne was first elected as a councillor on the former Kilkivan Shire Council in 2000, and became Kilkivan Mayor four years later.
Following the 2008 council mergers, he was the first Mayor of the amalgamated Gympie Regional Council and has held that position ever since.
Before entering local government, Mayor Dyne spent 21 years in the Army before retiring in 1993 to run a hobby farm property at Lower Wonga with his wife Dulcie. They have two children and two grandchildren.
“I am optimistic for the region’s future and looking forward to seeing the next chapter of the Gympie region,” Mayor Dyne said today.
“I would ask the whole community to really get behind our new Mayor when elected and support them as they steer the Gympie region into the future.
“I would like to thank everyone who has worked alongside within Council, including Acting Mayor Tony Perrett who has been a most loyal and dedicated Deputy Mayor for 11 years, my fellow Councillors, our CEO Bernard Smith, directors and all the staff who have shown their utmost support for me during my illness.
“My family and friends have been a tremendous support throughout this challenge, particularly my wonderful wife Dulcie who provides unwavering love and care.
“Finally, I can’t express how much the kind words, actions and support of the community have buoyed me and my family during this time. Thank you.
“I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a joyous and safe New Year.”
South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann, who served with Cr Dyne on the Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils and was recently appointed to fill a position formerly held by him on the LGAQ’s Policy Executive, paid tribute to his colleague.
He said Cr Dyne was a very effective Mayor for Gympie who had made significant contributions to the development of his own region and the Wide Bay-Burnett over the past 15 years.
[UPDATED with correction]
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