South Burnett Directions committee member Graham Archdall

November 17, 2014

The inaugural South Burnett Business Awards dinner on October 15 was only half of a program for local businesses which has been planned by South Burnett Directions.

South Burnett Directions, in conjunction with Small Business Solutions and the Burnett Business Centre, also organised a business training program for businesses which nominated for the Business Excellence Awards.

The course – which is already booked out – will consist of five weekly workshops held at the Burnett Business Centre, Nanango, covering a wide range of business topics, including developing a business plan.

Upon completion, attendees will receive a Certificate IV in Business.

“Following the success of the Business Excellence Awards we recognised that businesses in the area were keen to improve their businesses through training,” Graham Archdall, from South Burnett Directions, said.

“The course was limited to 10 attendees and was filled in two days.

“We have had two of the five workshops and the feedback from the attendees has been very positive.”

Mr Archdall said South Burnett Directions was now working with Small Business Solutions – an initiative of the State Government and Mt Gravatt TAFE – to provide another workshop in February, 2015.

“We are also looking to provide training on topics which have been identified by South Burnett businesses,” he said.

“These topics have been selected on the basis of which ones will contribute most to business success in the South Burnett.”

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