Blackbutt’s Coulson Street will be getting upgraded over the next six weeks with sealed on-street parking, kerbing and channelling, and an upgrade to the children’s crossing (Photo: Wikipedia)

November 10, 2014

Blackbutt residents who have been calling for kerbing in Coulson Street will be pleased to know work is starting today on upgrades in the town.

South Burnett Regional Council says the work planned included sealed on-street parking, kerbing and channelling, and an upgrade to the children’s crossing.

A concrete footpath will also be constructed in Coulson Street between Muir Street and Pine Street on the northern side.

Council says the work will take about six weeks, weather permitting.

During construction traffic will be reduced to 40km/h and at times controlled by flagmen.

The Gladys / Coulson streets intersection will be temporarily closed to through traffic although local residents who are affected will be allowed access.

Vehicle access to properties fronting Coulson Street may be restricted and affected residents will be notified.

Residents who have concerns in regard to any property access should speak to on-site staff.

For more information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100.