A bipartisan approach … Cr Damien Tessmann with Montana House of Representatives Member Jenny Eck (Democrat) and Texas House of Representatives Member Stefani Carter (Republican)

September 28, 2014

A group of young US politicians wound up a four-day visit to the South Burnett with a barbecue at the Tessmann family’s property “Hillside” at Coolabunia on Friday night.

During their stay, the six dropped into PCA for a tour of the processing facility, visited the Meandu coal mine and Tarong power station, the Energy Centre Museum at Nanango, Smithfield feedlot and ‘Bethany’.

They were invited to the area by Cr Damien Tessmann, who took part in a similar political exchange visit to the United States earlier this year.

A highlight was their visit to Cherbourg.

“We went out to Cherbourg, and they really enjoyed it,” Cr Tessmann said.

They inspected the displays in The Ration Shed Museum and learned about the history of the former Mission.

Cr Tessmann said he had been quizzed a couple of times about why the group had chosen to include the South Burnett in their tour to Australia, but he said it ticked a lot of boxes.

“They seem to be loving it. They said it has been their favourite spot so far,” he said.

On Friday night, the US politicians had the opportunity to meet some pollies of the Australian variety at the Tessmann family farm.

They then topped off their visit with a visit to ‘Bethany’, the former home of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, on Saturday morning.

Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington with Montana House of Representatives Member Jenny Eck 

Suzy Domitrivic, from the Australian Political Exchange Council, with Micah Ali, Compton School District Board of Trustees president

Mike Buth, who was escorting the delegation, with host for the night Gary Tessmann, from Coolabunia

US delegate Tim Foulkes, Entertainment Software Association, with Jack Delaney, Kingaroy
Jim Young, from Stanwell, with his wife Julie and Gasfields Commissioner Ian Hayllor, from Dalby