September 18, 2014

R U Ok? But what do you do if the answer is “no” … of if you find yourself with someone in the midst of a mental health crisis?

A Mental Health First Aid workshop being run at Kingaroy State High School next month is designed to give people the skills to provide “first aid” in this type of situation.

The workshop is being hosted by the school’s P&C over the weekend of October 18-19.

“Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, or who is in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional treatment is received or the crisis resolves,” development officer Ros Dalton said.

“Course participants will learn about adolescent development and the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, where and how to get help, and what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective.”

The workshop will be held in the school’s Community Room R5 from 9:00am-5:00pm each day.

Lunch will be provided.

To register, contact KSHS health nurse Annette Montebello or development officer Ros Dalton on (07) 4160-0666.

The mental health first aid workshop is being sponsored by the South Burnett Regional Council Mayor’s Community Benefit Fund.