August 1, 2014
Gympie Mayor Ron Dyne has confirmed he has been diagnosed with cancer.
The former Kilkivan mayor, who was elected to lead the amalgamated council in 2008, has told the media he will continue in the mayoral role while he still feels fit and able, but would immediately take leave if that changed.
Mayor Dyne, 69, will begin treatment next week on the Sunshine Coast for what is believed to be pancreatic cancer.
The former soldier turned hobby farmer at Lower Wonga, served as mayor of Kilkivan Shire for four years and spent another four years prior to that as a local councillor.
Since being elected as Gympie mayor, he has also served a term as chairman of the Wide Bay Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC).
Deputy Mayor Tony Perrett said he was shocked by the news.