July 9, 2014
“Outstanding” … that’s how South Burnett Gas Guzzlers’ spokesman Terry Mackrell described this year’s three-day Raising Hell In Maidenwell, and any car lover would have to agree.
There was something for everyone: hot rods, street machines, classic American iron, Fords and Holdens, Mustangs and Chevs, utes, and a nice line-up of vintage caravans.
Terry said he was very pleased with the number of vehicles that had rolled up for the weekend of fun.
“It was way more than we expected,” he said.
The club will distribute the profits from the day to local charities.
The main day of the event was the “public” day on Saturday which featured a large show’n’shine and live entertainment on stage.
There was also lots of fun events, including chook lotto (which square would the chook poo on first?) and the traditional engine blow-up competition between a Ford and a Holden (sadly for Ford fans, the Holden ran more than twice as long without oil or water before imploding).
The day was rounded off by a pig-on-a-spit dinner at the Maidenwell Hotel.
“Raising Hell” is the first event to be held on the recently upgraded Maidenwell Oval, which now features a large, flat display area following a lot of earthworks.
Trophy Winners
Hard Luck – John Clayton
Entrants’ Choice – Chas Murtash
Publican’s Choice – Victor Pires
Councillor’s Choice – Ben McDonald
Vintage Caravans
1. Peter and Trish Stone
2. Steve and Vic Kirk
3. Stan Richards
Vintage Caravan and Car Combo
1. Nicole and Tray Balfour
2. Alicia Kirgwel
3. Ewer
Top 10 Cars
Ross and Desley McGaw, Gary Hunter, Steve Calleija, Shane Cuskelly, Mark and Michelle Haywood, John and Dianne Adams, Craig Hart and Melissa Haddon, Peter Brennan, Bruce Shevill, Chas Murtash
Top Car Of The Show
Daniel and Lyndal Southall – VW Ceetle.
Grass Driving Events
1. Troy Belfer
2. Jakob Black
3. Stan Rickard

Photo Gallery: 2014 Raising Hell In Maidenwell
(click on any image to expand)