March 28, 2014
Taabinga State School “adopted” Kingaroy police officer Constable Chris Barron in a special ceremony during morning assembly today.
The Adopt-a-Cop program began in Queensland in 1985 and is designed to build positive relationships between police and members of the school community.
There are currently more than 950 Adopt-a-Cops across the State performing duties in more than 1100 schools.
Const Barron will now take part in many of Taabinga State School’s activities, including sports day and special events.
He was introduced to the assembled Taabinga students by Acting Inspector Terry McCullough, from Dalby, who is also a familiar face around the Taabinga schoolgrounds.
Acting Insp McCullough is a former Kingaroy police officer and was also an Adopt-a-Cop at Taabinga, and his wife used to teach at the school.
“Const Barron will now become a part of your school and will visit here regularly,” Acting Insp McCullough said.
Principal Susan Beatty welcome Acting Insp McCullough back to the school and congratulated Const Barron on his new role.
“There will be lots of events we can invite him to and he will also be popping into classrooms and visiting at lunchtimes,” she said.