February 22, 2014
The drought is biting hard in western Queensland but South Burnett farmers – ironically many still recovering from last year’s floods – are feeling it, too.
A meeting of various local support agencies, called by AgForce last week, was told that five properties in the South Burnett Regional Council area have successfully applied for Individually Droughted Property (IDP) status which opens the way for the farmers to receive government drought relief.
Six farms in the adjacent Gympie Regional Council area and two in the North Burnett have also been granted IDP status.
Drought officer Carolyn Stone said several applications were also under consideration.
The meeting, which was held at the “Biscuit Tin” in Kingaroy, was called to discuss the major issues happening “on the ground” in the rural sector and develop suggested outcomes which could be pushed for at State and Federal levels.
AgForce representatives at the meeting included president Ian Burnett, South East regional manager Sarah Due and policy manager Lauren Hewitt.
Also present at the meeting were Louise Judge, from Centacare Community Connections; farm financial counsellor Alan Broome; Tim Saal from Rural & Remote Mental Health Ltd; ag economist Caroline Harris; Salvation Army rural chaplain Neville Radecker; Bill Fletcher from QRAA; and BIEDO financial counsellor Carmel Summers and CEO Linda Silburn.
The meeting urged primary producers who were being affected by the drought to lodge applications for an IDP. For more information, contact AgForce South East Drought Officer Caroline Stone by email
It also urged primary producers to access the support services available.
These include:
- Centacare Community Connections: Louise Judge (07) 4162-5439
- Rural Financial Counselling: Alan Broome 0448-999-742
- DAFF: Damien O’Sullivan (07) 4160-0717
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Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio is keeping a close eye on the expanding drought in his region and the potential impact on primary producers.
Mayor Antonio said the State Agriculture Minister John McVeigh had made it clear that anyone outside a drought-declared shire can apply for drought assistance under an IDP declaration.
“The Toowoomba region is Australia’s second most productive agricultural region and as a Council we are conscious of ensuring anyone who needs assistance is made aware of the process to apply for help,” he said.
Mayor Antonio said he would maintain close contact with Minister McVeigh and was willing to advocate for any resident who needs drought assistance.
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Gympie Regional Council Deputy Mayor and Kilkivan grazier Tony Perrett also urged property owners to lodge an IDP as soon as possible.
He said the drought, which affects more than 70 per cent of the State, was the most urgent issue facing the Gympie region.
He said all parts of the region had experienced well below average rainfall in the past 10 months.
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FutureBeef senior extension officer Roger Sneath will be hosting a webinar on Friday to discuss the drought and management options.
“The few patchy rainfall events haven’t brought much relief to those areas desperately needing it. Even if it does rain in the next few weeks, it may well be too late for useful pasture growth, so it is timely to review and critically reflect on our drought action plans and develop a way forward,” Mr Sneath said.
The webinar will discuss:
- The current situation: some reflection on the drought situation, planning, critical dates and action plan
- The year ahead: developing fodder budgets, how much pasture and water is there, adjusting cattle numbers to match availability, even if there is good rain in the next few weeks, will it grow enough pasture for the year ahead?
- What are the options – sell, agist, feedlot, production or survival feed? What other management considerations are there? Spreadsheets that can assist in decision making
- Feed supplies: what is available at what cost, and how to cost nutrients in feed.
The webinar will be held from 12:30pm on Friday (requires a computer or iPad and an internet connection)
- To register and for more information click here