January 26, 2014 Some more photos from the South Burnett Regional Council’s Australia Day awards night held at Wondai Town Hall on Saturday night. Stephen Merry, from Biloela and Neil Burrows, from Wondai, with young Aussies Isabeau Merry, 12 months, and Neika Burrows-Lacey, 6 Percy Iszlaub with Deb Frecklington Vicki Sparkes and Cr Damien Tessmann 135 Australian Cadet Unit, based in Wondai, carried the Australian flags to the stage South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann with his wife Eleanor Bridget O’Shanessy sang the National Anthem and “I Am Australian” Compere John Carey with the key organisers behind the night, Bronwyn Barry and Amanda Litfin from the South Burnett Regional Council Council, Wondai