Blackened out ground and smoking logs along Old Wondai Road this morning

December 23, 2013

Fourteen urban and rural fire crews are currently at the scene of a bushfire burning off Old Wondai Road at Wattle Camp.

The fire broke out about 6:45am and is approximately 80-100 acres in size.

Crews are protecting two structures in the area and there is no further threat to property.

The fire is causing a large amount of smoke so residents are advised to close windows and doors and if suffering from a respiratory condition, keep medication close by.

Motorists have been urged to drive to conditions.

UPDATE 2:00pm: An Emergency Services spokesperson said firefighters had the main Wattle Camp fire contained on all fronts by noon but then had to contend with a second smaller fire that flared up. After blacking out this area, and strengthening containment lines, the two fires were fully contained at 1:10pm. An area of about 450 acres in total is believed to have been burned out.

The Wattle Camp fire from the Booie Range … heavy smoke in the vicinity prompted warnings to local residents