A bus company which looks set to receive a subsidy from the South Burnett Regional Council to keep its Brisbane-Murgon service operating failed to make any submission to the State Government’s review earlier this year into subsidised long-distance travel.
A spokesman for Transport Minister Scott Emerson confirmed today that Brisbane Bus Lines did not make any submission to the review, which is trying to determine how to improve regional transport services.
The spokesman also said the company had not made the Transport and Main Roads Department aware until “very recently” that they were having any problems with the Brisbane-Murgon-Brisbane service.
The State Government review, which was announced in February this year, is examining coach routes, train services and air routes.
The government spokesman said submissions which had been received were now with the Minister and the review was expected to be finalised soon.
Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington said this afternoon she was disappointed that Brisbane Bus Lines had made no effort to contact her earlier and she cautioned against “knee-jerk” reactions to the news of the closure.
“This week I spoke with Brisbane Bus Lines in regards to their announcement to close the Brisbane-Murgon bus run,” she said.
“I am very disappointed that the company has made no effort to contact me earlier in regards to the problems they are experiencing or that they were considering closing the service.
“Brisbane Bus Lines had the opportunity to make a submission six months ago to the State Government’s current review of regulated and long-distance transport in Queensland.
“I totally agree that this is a vital service for our region but before we make any knee-jerk reactions, I believe we have to think outside the square and consider what other options are available, such as other companies who may be interested in taking on this service.
“I want to reassure the community that I will be doing everything I can.”
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