June 24, 2013
South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann is angry that local councils are responsible for 80 per cent of infrastructure yet receive just 3 per cent of tax dollars collected by the Federal Government.
“I am aware that changing the funding model is difficult but should not be impossible,” he said.
“I am going to lobby the Federal and State governments to adjust the funding to Local Government to 10 per cent of tax revenue, rising from 3 per cent to 4 per cent in the 2014/15 year and by 1 per cent each year thereafter.”
Mayor Kratzmann recently returned from attending the National Assembly of Local Government in Canberra.
“Speakers again raised how of 100 per cent of taxes collected by the Federal Government, they keep 83 per cent,” he said.
“And 14 per cent goes to the State Government.
“This leaves a paltry of 3 per cent for Local Government which is embarrassing, an insult to local communities.”
He said the status quo would not change unless there was loud and persistent community feedback.
He said the Canberra assembly had noted a road with potholes was unacceptable but was often the norm in regional areas.
“The Federal Government has to answer the question, ‘Why are regional folks treated like second class citizens?’,” Mayor Kratzmann said.
“How can this be justified?
“The question needs to be asked of our Federal and State governments to justify their spending of hard-earned taxpayers dollars.”
He said Local Government made good decisions and should get more of the money and be responsible for spending it based on community needs.