May 21, 2013
Three of Australia’s most famous sporting legends will be coming to Wondai in August for this year’s Relay For Life Sports Dinner.
The “Dinner With The Captains” will feature Maroons coach (and former Australian captain) Mal Meninga, sports commentator (and former Australian Test captain) Greg Chappell and Commonwealth Games gold medallist (and former Australian netball captain) Vicki Wilson.
The announcement was made at the Mayoral Brunch which was held at Dusty Hill Winery at Moffatdale on Sunday morning as a fundraiser for the 2013 South Burnett Relay for Life.
South Burnett Relay For Life patron Carl Rackemann said he was “simply floored” with the quality of the guests who’ll be attending the annual dinner at Wondai Town Hall, and urged anyone who wanted to attend to book early because he was certain it would be sold out quickly.
The crowd at Dusty Hill also met cancer survivor Nev Kratzmann, who is this year’s local “Face Of Relay For Life”, and hear Relay For Life co-ordinator Rowena Dionysius’s story about her own experience with breast cancer.
Rowena told the audience about the effects the disease had on her and her family, the invaluable financial and emotional support she’d received from the Queensland Cancer Council as she underwent treatment, and the life lessons she’d learned from the experience.
She said the South Burnett’s annual Relay For Life had grown to be one of the largest of its kind per capita in south-east Queensland, and thanked John Bjelke-Petersen, from the South Burnett Cancer Council branch, for bringing it to the area.
“It’s an absolutely awesome event to be involved in,” she said, “and this year we’re aiming for 40 teams.”
Australian sporting legend Julie McDonald, who had attended a Red Earth Flood Appeal fundraiser in Maidenwell the night before, then talked about her medal-winning achievement at the 1988 Seoul Olympics; her sometimes controversial but always spectacular swimming career, and her love-hate affair with Australian swimming coach Laurie Lawrence.
In a talk that had the audience alternately laughing or spellbound, Julie talked about her original inspiration to become an Olympian, the long hours of training she put into achieving her ambition, and the split-second decisions in international competition that made all the difference between winning a medal or failing to secure a place.
Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said the proceeds of the brunch would be given to the South Burnett Regional Council’s own 2013 Relay For Life Team, and urged everyone to form their own teams and get involved.
“The South Burnett’s Relay For Life is one of the great things our region does,” he said.
“Let’s break our own record this year.”
- Dinner With The Captains will be held at Wondai Town Hall on Saturday, August 3. Tickets are $75 per person or $700 per table of 10 and include pre-dinner drinks and canapes on arrival and a gourmet two-course seafood dinner with tea and coffee. There’ll also be a cash bar in operation, and a bus service running from Kingaroy. Tickets are strictly limited and all previous dinners have sold out well in advance. Tickets can be obtained by phoning Chantal on (07) 4169-0700 or 0497-112-625, or Frances on (07) 4164-2165.