April 4, 2013
After 12 years of fundraising, the Kingaroy Kindergarten has a new building, but the children can’t move in until the playground is completed.
“The kids need help from any business, any parent or any community member who can lend a hand to try to get as much of the playground finished as possible,” spokeswoman Sharna Mills said.
The kindy has planned a “Blitz Day” on April 13 to finish off the work.
Parents and friends have been working hard over the past few weeks to complete some of the preliminary chores ahead of the big push on April 13.
The Blitz is being supported by many local businesses, and now the South Burnett Regional Council has also come on board.
Council’s parks co-ordinator Stuart Hall said council had been happy to help out the kindy with technical advice on planting, tree positioning and the future care of Kingaroy Kindergarten’s new outdoor area.
“Council are also donating some trees to Kingaroy Kindergarten to show our support for the families who attend this kindy,” he said.
Sharna thanked Council for its support.
“We have been very lucky to have had a lot of items donated by businesses and individuals and we want to say thanks to all of them,” she said.
“There have been many hours donated by parents and community members in the lead up to the Blitz day.”
An appreciation barbecue will be held at the end of the Blitz day to thank those who help with the work in our garden.
If you would like to assist, contact Sharna on 0408-723-504 or Todd Fiedler on 0409-624-572.
NB. The Kingaroy Kindergarten is located at 90-92 First Avenue, Kingaroy. The Blitz will begin at 8:00am on April 13.