March 4, 2013
The Quota Club of Kingaroy is bringing well-known bush author and yarn spinner Sandy Thorne to the South Burnett on Friday to help celebrate International Women’s Day.
She will be the guest speaker at a dinner held at the Kingaroy RSL Club on Friday evening.
Sandy has Kingaroy connections … her sister Lesley Webber, whom she describes as an “ace helicopter mustering pilot”, lives here and was featured in Sandy’s 2011 book “Old Timers”.
The success of Sandy’s first book “I’ve Met Some Bloody Wags!” led to a career performing bush yarns and verse on stage at events all over Australia, New Zealand and America. She has now written a dozen books and has been commissioned by Penguin to write her autobiography.
The dinner will celebrate women’s achievements, raise funds for Cancer Research and the AGL Action Helicopter Rescue Service, and assist local girl Chloe Blinco-Kregenbrink, 4.
Money raised for Chloe, who has suffered irreversible nerve damage in one leg, will help her family buy a hoist to lift her wheelchair and walker into the boot of her car.
To book tickets for the evening, phone Marie Shaw on (07) 4162-5471 or Sandra Tincknell on (07) 4162-1987.
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