The feature artists were the Lindsay Butler Band, from left, Ashley Cook, Peggy Gilchrist, Shaza Leigh, Grant Gunnourie and Lindsay ButlerWindera students enjoyed the Lions merry-go-round with Lions Member Bill Kearney
February 17, 2013
Record floods that inundated paddocks, stranded residents and caused widespread damage weren’t enough to stop the 3rd annual Windera Music Muster from going ahead at the weekend.
Windera State School P&C president Belinda Pennell said the committee had decided the show must go on to lift spirits and take everyone’s mind off the massive clean-up taking place around Windera and Booubyjan.
Local residents joined visitors in campervans to enjoy a day of top-class country music, headlined by the the Lindsay Butler Band.
They were joined by a string of local South Burnett artists including Amber Goldsmith, Bruzz and Seascape.
The Muster is an annual fundraiser for the Windera State School P&C.
Belinda said the turnout was “fantastic” with about 300 people in attendance and about 20 campervans.
There was also a licensed bar and a kup murri, along with hot chips, burgers and a sausage sizzle.
“The weather held off and the Lindsay Butler Band were amazing,” Belinda said.
[Photos: and Belinda Pennell]
Bruzz stars Andrew Beckett and Guy Davis (who just happens to be the Windera SS principal) with Guy’s family, from left, Rachel, Brooke, Olivia, Michelle and Aidan Davis
Up-and-coming country music star Alice Benfer, from Gympie
Byee locals Colin and Helen McCullough were enjoying the talent on stage
Rosemary Beddows, Mikaela Ross, Narelle Cheshire and Laraine Beddows, from the Windera P&C, were serving up the hot chips
Libby Kennedy and mum Penny were enjoying the afternoon
Abby and Joy Jenkinson were helping to promote the show
Penny Kennedy, from Booubyjan, with her daughters Phoebe, 8, and Sophie, 3
Julie Thomson and Katrina Barbeler with “Bella”
Wayne Castle, Cloyna, and “Billy Tea”, Ballogie
Local boys were having some fun, from left, Tom Pennell, Luke Beddows, Josh Beddows, Nicholas Sanewski and Cooper PennellMaree Thompson, Susanne Pick and Rebekah Thompson were working behind the barA good crowd of about 300 turned out for the annual Windera P&C fundraiserRebecca Pope, from Bell, with Michelle and Adrian Sanewski, from BooubyjanBusy Windera mums and friends organising the food were, from left, Rachel Cooper, Heather Ross, Rosemary Beddows, Narelle Cheshire, Lucy Ross and Susan and Dominique AitonNanango musicians Jenny and Nathan Lee (Seascape) were among a string of South Burnett entertainers on stage during the afternoon