Warren Truss
January 30, 2013
Immediate Federal Government financial assistance is available to help people who have been adversely affected by flooding in the Gympie local government area.
Federal Member for Wide Bay, Warren Truss, said payments of $1000 per eligible adult and $400 per child are available under similar conditions to those which have applied in previous natural disasters.
Those eligible for assistance include people:
- Whose principal place of residence has been destroyed or sustained major damage
- Who have been unable to gain access to their principal place of residence for at least 24 hours
- Stranded in their principal place of residence for a period of at least 24 hours; and
- Whose residence was without electricity, water, gas, sewerage services and other essential services for a continuous period of 48 hours or more.
Applicants must reside in the Gympie, Fraser Coast or Gladstone local government areas.
Mr Truss said there are thousands of people in the Wide Bay electorate who will qualify for these benefits.
They are not asset or income-tested. Many people have been unable to get in and out of their homes and countless more have had extended interruption to their electricity supplies.
While essential service providers are working hard to restore normal services, it will be many days before all services are back to normal.
The payments can be claimed online using Centrelink online services.
Alternatively, people can call 180-22-66 or complete a claim form at their nearest Centrelink or Medicare service centre or agent.
Mr Truss said a Newstart-type payment may also be available to small businesses affected by the flood and their employees.
These payments are in addition to State Government assistance already announced.
- For more information, see the Department of Human Services website
- Related article: Emergency Assistance Grants Available