December 20, 2012
Patient bathrooms in the South Burnett Private Hospital will be upgraded thanks to a $15,000 donation from the Rotary Club of Kingaroy.
South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said Council, which owns the facility, would put up the rest of the cash to make the upgrade a reality.
Rotary has received a quote of $35,000 from a local builder to do the job, however as it is a council project, it will now be put out to tender.
South Burnett councillor Damien Tessmann is closely connected to the project. He’s not only secretary of the Rotary Club, but he’s also a member of the Hospital Board.
He said the upgrade of the three bathrooms in the wards area was long overdue.
“The wife of a former District Governor of the club was staying here,” Cr Tessmann said. “He saw there was a need. Rotary used to support the hospital in the past and he suggested to the club that we come back on board again.
“He took the idea to the club’s Board who approved it. The club then spoke to Wayne (Kratzmann) and myself and the other members of the Hospital Board and got some quotes from a builder.
“It was ratified at the council meeting yesterday.”
Mayor Kratzmann said the work would not have occurred except for the support of the Rotary club.
He said this was a great example of a community group working with council to bring a worthwhile project to fruition.