October 24, 2012
Residents in the Brovinia – Allies Creek area are advised that a large, fast-moving grass fire is currently burning in inaccessible country west of Mundubbera-Durong Road.
The blaze is located east of Jaru Road, south of Back Derra Road and north of Monogorilby Road in the Allies Creek State Forest.
Six fire crews are at the scene and more crews are responding to the fire which has been burning since last week.
Fire crews are currently working with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and landholders to backburn around containment lines in the area.
Residents near the area specified should consider taking the following precautionary measures:
• Put on protective clothing
• Drink lots of water
• Move car/s to a safe location
• Close windows and doors and shut blinds
• Bring pets inside and restrain them (leash, cage or secure room) and provide water
• Wet down fine fuels close to buildings
• Remove garden furniture, doormats and other items
• Seal all gaps under doors and screens
• Fill containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins, etc
• Have ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside)
• Have generator or petrol pump ready
• Check and patrol outside for embers and extinguish any spot fires and seek shelter as the fire front arrives.
* * *
Bulldozers were called in this morning to put in breaks to control a fire burning in a State Forest near Wondai.
Worried residents called 000 about 10:00am after seeing flames near Charlestown Road.
The fire front extended about 100m.
Six fire crews and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service staff are on the scene and are allowing the fire to burn through bushland towards the breaks and burn itself it out.
No property is under threat.
* * *
Three water bombers have been flown in to help fight a large grassfire burning in a national park area near Crows Nest.
The fire had been contained last night, but strong winds today have caused it to break through containment lines.
It is believed the fire, which burned about 2ha, was sparked by a slasher. There was no threat to any buildings.
The fire was contained by 9:30am and all fire crews had left the site by 11:00am.