August 15, 2012
Former Queensland Greens candidate for Nanango Grant Newson said today the South Burnett “should be ashamed” of the condition of the road leading from Maidenwell to the Bunya Mountains.
“This road contains sections of dirt that are a death trap and have caused many accidents over the years,” Mr Newson said.
“There are sections of unsealed roads that continually have corrugations and potholes in them that cause damage to all traffic.
“These sections have been allegedly allocated money by the State Government on previous occasions to be sealed and it has never been done by the previous local Nanango Shire Council. If this is the case, where has the money gone?
“The tourist trade for the South Burnett is a lucrative market and the Bunya Mountains is a major drawcard to this area.
“I get to travel that road on occasions and the last trip I did, it caused the rear vision mirror to part company from my windscreen … the condition is that bad.
“These dirt sections have been graded on several occasions but the continual local and tourist traffic take their toll very quickly.
“The local Council needs to push for this road to be sealed by the current State Government.
“It is not part of our local road reconstruction funding currently being undertaken by Council, so they will need to push hard for extra funding to have the work paid for.
“On numerous of occasions I have come across vehicles that have either rolled over or gone off the edge due to the conditions on the dirt sections.
“I am sure if anyone wanted to get the complete number of accidents reported to police, ambulances or tow trucks for that section of road it would be staggering.
“I have always found it a bit astounding that the speed limit for that road is 100km/hr as it is not physically possible for anyone to do that speed, sealed or dirt.
“Let’s see some action finally on this major tourist road for the Shire and help save some repair bills on their cars for locals, too.”