June 2, 2014
The grounds at Nanango State High School were invaded on Saturday by an army of khaki-clad and camouflaged youngsters, all having the time of their lives.
The 177 Australian Cadet Unit Nanango held its annual Expo at the school.
There were historic displays, a parade and lots of activities, including archery, a blindfold maze, obstacle course and command post display.
About 80 cadets took part in the activities.
Captain (AAC) Liane Kerr said it had been a very good day.
She thanked the parents of the cadets and the officers from the other cadet units present for their assistance, as well as the Light Horse re-enactment troop.
The cadets are open to girls and boys aged between 12½ and 18.
They learn practical skills from qualified staff as well as the Army values of teamwork, initiative and moral courage.
For more information, phone Captain Kerr on 0448-840-751.
[UPDATED with corrections. An earlier version referred to the 123 ACU Nanango]